D djspits Apr 322 7 2016-09-24 #1 Not much to say, really. Simply try echo %@folders[c:\] On my machine it doesn't echo anything and seems to eat up the new line between prompts. Using %@Files[/h %DirName,d] as a workaround. Regards, DJ. Attachments Folders.PNG 14.8 KB · Views: 216 Last edited: 2016-09-24
Not much to say, really. Simply try echo %@folders[c:\] On my machine it doesn't echo anything and seems to eat up the new line between prompts. Using %@Files[/h %DirName,d] as a workaround. Regards, DJ.
mikea Dec 238 2 2016-09-24 #2 Same thing seen here. echo %@folders[c:\apps] — same result as you report echo %@folders[/s c:\apps] — works echo %@folders[/s+2 c:\apps] or %@folders[/s2 c:\apps] — both of these fail. Haven't tried the other kinds switches or arguments yet.
Same thing seen here. echo %@folders[c:\apps] — same result as you report echo %@folders[/s c:\apps] — works echo %@folders[/s+2 c:\apps] or %@folders[/s2 c:\apps] — both of these fail. Haven't tried the other kinds switches or arguments yet.