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Declined Full support for list /c using @consoleb

[LIST /C] only works in stand-alone TCC windows, not in Take Command tab windows.
Could this restriction be lifted now that you support @consoleb?

In the meantime, I'm using this 1-line alias as a workaround:
listc=set _save=%@consoleb[-1] %+ echo %@consoleb[0] >NUL %+ list %$ %+ echo %@consoleb[%_save] >NUL %+ set _save=
But it seems that this would leak, because there doesn't seem to be any way to release the temporary buffer when done. (I tried @bfree and not surprisingly crashed the session.)

LIST /C works just fine in a tabbed window for me. What version of TC are
you running?


jdmarch <> wrote on 12/16/2009 09:07:56 AM:

> Quote:
> [LIST /C] only works in stand-alone TCC windows, not in Take Command
> tab windows.
> Could this restriction be lifted now that you support @consoleb?
> In the meantime, I'm using this 1-line alias as a workaround:
> Quote:
> listc=set _save=%@consoleb[-1] %+ echo %@consoleb[0] >NUL %+ list %$
> %+ echo %@consoleb[%_save] >NUL %+ set _save=
> But it seems that this would leak, because there doesn't seem to be
> any way to release the temporary buffer when done. (I tried @bfree
> and not surprisingly crashed the session.)
> Thanks!
LIST /C works just fine in a tabbed window for me. What version of TC are you running?

From the announce for Take Command 11.0 build 35:

LIST - disabled the /C option when running in a TCMD tab window.

so in tabbed windows, "list /c somefile" behaves like "list somefile".
No; it's a Windows limitation. There's no way for TCMD to know that a console window has changed to a new console.
Sorry, Rex, I'm lost. Isn't the point of /c to avoid cluttering the screen buffer? (It certainly is for me.) The alias in my original post does this AFAICT. If an alias can do it, can't a command do it?

Also, can you address the memory leakage issue that I raised in the original post? (When @consoleb is used to make and use a temporary screen buffer, is that buffer deallocated? If not, isn't this a bug?)

Thank you!
On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 19:25:34 -0600, rconn <>
was claimed to have wrote:

>> ---Quote---
>>[LIST /C] only works in stand-alone *TCC* windows, not in *Take
>> Command* tab windows.
>> ---End Quote---
>> Could this restriction be lifted now that you support @consoleb?
>---End Quote---
>No; it's a Windows limitation. There's no way for TCMD to know that a
>console window has changed to a new console.

Couldn't TCC tell TCMD?