. On Fri 1-Aug-08 11:16am -0600, rconn wrote:
. > BillMc wrote:
. >>> BillMc wrote:
. >>>> Yes, 4nt v8.
. >>>>
. >>>> Will you be updating the RE library in v8 at some point?
. >>> I don't have any plans to do so at this time.
. >> This seems a bit early to cut off support of 4nt v8, but its
. >> your show.
. > I haven't cut off v8 support, but I have to balance the usefulness
. > of spending a week incorporating a new RE library for v8 (to address
. > a problem that nobody had reported until now, and which can be
. > trivially worked around by providing a path), versus spending that
. > time on v9 & v10.
Your priorities seem reasonable. It just seems that TCC v9 has enough
problems that those of us still using 4nt v8 are wanting normal fixes
taken care of - even if they are just now appearing.
BTW, v9 has the issue of inconsistency between the output for normal
wildcards and regular expressions (which shows full path) - v8 doesn't
have that bug.
. >> The negatives of TCC to me are that the PgUp or PgDn give a
. >> blank screen (with one entry) for a second or so before
. >> populating with history (its GUI). The Ctrl-PgUp also
. >> displays the directory history (also as a GUI instead of the
. >> nice one in 4NT) - Ctrl-PgDn just beeps. Thanks for not
. >> doing select in a GUI.
. > You've either got a really sizeable history or a slow machine - my
. > history window (on a mid-range machine) pops up completely populated
. > (several hundred entries) in no more than .25 seconds.
My four year old computer is a 2.8 GHz Pentium 4. I have less than
7,000 entries in history. It takes a little over 2 seconds to
populate - its nearly instant (around 1/4 sec) in 4nt v8.
. >> Your GUI approach seems natural when operating from within
. >> TCMD. But for standalone or detached TCC, the integrated
. >> approach of 4NT is more natural.
. >>
. >> BTW, yesterday and today (I haven't rebooted), start
. >> followed by TCC worked but a PgUp, PgDn or Ctrl-PgUp puts
. >> the session out of apparent focus (the blue bar at top turns
. >> light blue) - but hitting Escape to close the invisible
. >> window shows that's its not really out of focus.
. > The popup window is probably appearing behind the TCC window (old
. > Windows bug).
It is. However, in v9, when I drag the console half way down the
screen and hit PgUp or PgDn, the history window shows up starting
above the screen. Resizing it lets me see the edge of the blue bar so
I can drag it. Moving it away from the console doesn't stick (an
"old" tcc v9 bug).
For now, I'm staying with v8 because of the slow response time and
lack of usable history windows.
Best regards,
4nt 8.02.106 / tcmd 9.02.151 cp 2.11.32 on xp pro sp3