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GetOpt - Process Command Line Options

Many years ago I created a GetOpt batch file so that I could process command line arguments effectively. I've posted this before, but you can read much more about how this works at the following link:

I use this extensively in my batch files and library functions. I have since updated this to work as a library function and the code is below. This is my favorite function and if anyone has ideas or thoughts, please let me know. There is a full readme on how to use this at the above link. It's easy, but you have to know how it works.

@echo off
:: GetOpt - Process command line options                                  Michael Fross
::                                                                        [email protected]
::                                                                     http://fross.org
:: Please see the README.txt / README.md for usage information
:: Latest version:    https://github.com/frossm/getopt.btm
:: This program is licensed under the OpenSource MIT license.  Please see the 
:: LICENSE.txt file, include with this distribution for details on acceptable use.

getopt {
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Configuration Directives
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Set UseColorOutput to 0 it disable color output while in debug mode
set UseColorOutput=1

:: Set the debug color.  Options are RED, CYAN, YELLOW, MAGENTA, WHITE, GREEN, BLACK, BLUE
set DebugColor=RED
set DebugHeaderFooterColor=WHITE

:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Start of script execution
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Clean up and prep the environment before we get going
unset getopt* OPTION_* PARAM_*
set getopt_ParmCounter=1
set getopt_TotalArgs=%@Words[" ",%*]

:: If in debug mode, kick off the display by showing the number of arguments
iff defined DEBUG then
    gosub SetColor %DebugHeaderFooterColor
    echo --- GetOpt Debug Mode Activated ------------------------------------------------

    :: Set the color of the debug output
    gosub SetColor %DebugColor

    echo Working with command line:
    echo   %*
    echo GetOpt is processing %getopt_TotalArgs arguments:

:: Loop through all command line arguments one at a time.
do i = 1 to %getopt_TotalArgs
    :: Empty the index variables
    unset getopt_ColonIdx getopt_EqualIdx getopt_ValueIdx

    :: Set getopt_Current to the current argument text we are working with
    set getopt_Current=%@Word[%@Dec[%i],%*]

    if defined DEBUG (echo. %+ echo Scan #%i: %getopt_Current)

    :: If first character starts with a - or / it must be an option
    iff %@instr[0,1,%getopt_Current] == - .or. %@instr[0,1,%getopt_Current] == / then
        set getopt_Parm=%getopt_Current
        if defined DEBUG echo  - Item is a switch or option

        :: Set the Colon Index to the position of the colon.  0 means none was found
        set getopt_ColonIdx=%@index[%getopt_Parm,:]

        :: Set the Equal Index to the position of the equalsign.  0 means none was found
        set getopt_EqualIdx=%@index[%getopt_Parm,=]

        :: Set the value index to the position of the colon or equal sign
        iff %getopt_ColonIdx ge 0 then
            if defined DEBUG echo  - Found colon at index position: %getopt_ColonIdx
            set getopt_ValueIdx=%getopt_ColonIdx
        elseiff %getopt_EqualIdx ge 0 then
            if defined DEBUG echo  - Found equal sign at index position: %getopt_EqualIdx
            set getopt_ValueIdx=%getopt_EqualIdx

        :: If the value index is GE 0 then we must have a colon or equal sign in the option.
        :: set the OPTION value to the stuff to the right of the colon or equal sign
        iff %getopt_ValueIdx ge 0 then
            set getopt_ParmName=%@instr[2, %@Dec[%getopt_ValueIdx] , %getopt_Parm]
            if defined DEBUG echo  - ParmName  = "%getopt_ParmName"
            set getopt_ParmValue=%@right[%@eval[-%getopt_ValueIdx-1],%getopt_Parm]
            if defined DEBUG echo  - Parmvalue = "%getopt_ParmValue"
            set OPTION_%getopt_ParmName=%getopt_ParmValue
            :: This is a switch, so simply set the value to 1
            if defined DEBUG echo  - No colon or equal sign found in "%getopt_Parm"
            set getopt_ParmName=%@right[%@Dec[%@len[%getopt_Parm]],%getopt_Parm]
            set getopt_ParmValue=1
            if defined DEBUG echo  - ParmName = "%getopt_ParmName"
            set OPTION_%getopt_ParmName=%getopt_ParmValue

        :: Regardless if there was a value or not, display what is going to occur
        if defined DEBUG echo  - Setting Variable OPTION_%getopt_ParmName=%getopt_ParmValue

        :: There was no / or - found, therefore this must be a parameter, not an option
        if defined DEBUG echo  - "%getopt_Current" is a parameter, not a switch or option
        set PARAM_%getopt_ParmCounter=%getopt_Current
        set PARAM_0=%getopt_ParmCounter
        if defined DEBUG echo  - Updating Number of Parms.  PARAM_0=%PARAM_0
        if defined DEBUG echo  - Setting Variable PARAM_%getopt_ParmCounter="%getopt_Current"
        set getopt_ParmCounter=%@Inc[%getopt_ParmCounter]

:: Display summary information
iff defined DEBUG then
    iff defined PARAM_0 then
        echo There were %PARAM_0 parameters found.  Setting PARAM_0=%PARAM_0
        echo There were no parameters found.  PARAM_0 has not been set.
    echo GetOpt has completed processing %getopt_TotalArgs arguments.  Ending Execution.

    gosub SetColor %DebugHeaderFooterColor
    echo --- End GetOpt Debug Messages -------------------------------------------------

    :: Reset the color back to normal
    gosub SetColor Normal


:: Perform cleanup and return to the calling program
unset getopt_* UseColorOutput DebugColor DebugHeaderFooterColor

:: If Debug is set, then pause before passing control back to the calling program
::if defined DEBUG pause Press Any Key To Continue To The Calling Program...

:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: SetColor [Color]
:: Simple routinethat sets the current console color to what is chosen.  Sending
:: the color "Normal" will set the color back to the default.
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:SetColor [Color]
    iff %UseColorOutput gt 0 then
        Switch %@Upper[%Color]
            Case CYAN
                echos ^e[36;1m

            Case RED
                echos ^e[31;1m

            Case YELLOW
                echos ^e[33;1m

            Case MAGENTA
                echos ^e[35;1m

            Case WHITE
                echos ^e[37;1m

            Case GREEN
                echos ^e[32;1m

            Case BLACK
                echos ^e[30m

            Case BLUE
                echos ^e[34m
            Case NORMAL
                echos ^e[0m

                echo ** ERROR Setting Color.  Unknown Directive:  '%Color' **
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