Hallo Rex,
> ---Quote---
> > See my other posting in this thread. The problem occurs only if i
> > view the file with Adobe Acrobat 10.1, not in Foxit. I just
> > checked, but the font displayed in Acrobat is not even installed
> > on my system, so I can give you no name.
> ---End Quote---
> ?? You don't have Arial installed on your system?
<sigh> No, Arial is displayed correctly in Foxit Reader here, while
Acrobat Reader shows me a different sansserif font with a very big
ratio between caps and lower case characters, as I have tried to
convey 2 times.
Since nobody else sees this, I'll try to reinstall Foxit and Acrobat.
I have now reinstalled Foxit and Acrobat. Same thing. In Acrobat 10.1,
both the english and the german version, I see the strange font I have
tried to describe above.
Some further testing: pdf2word converts your Arial to Helvetica here.
Please remember I have a german installation of Vista 64. I have,
however, determined that arial.ttf and arialuni.ttf, nas well as the
rest of the arial family, are correctly installed on my system.
Sinced this hasn't a high priority, I'll let it drop and check
again when a new version of the help file becomes available.
Best regards,
* Klaus Meinhard *