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Help file for 13.1??

Hallo Charles Dye,

> 13.0 hasn't even gotten to beta yet, so that must be a typo.

Just looked at it, its 12,11 now.

But there is another issue with the pdf file: the font used for
headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal magnifications
here. Anyone else experiencing the same?

And while I'm at it: I welcome the white background of the text in
this file. Unfortunately there are a few tables, probably taken
directly from the help, that still got a background color we'd call
"old rosé" here. Looks bad. My feeling is a neutral light grey would
work better.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
But there is another issue with the pdf file: the font used for
headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal magnifications
here. Anyone else experiencing the same?

I don't see anything like that. The header font is Arial, which is definitely not an unusual font.

And while I'm at it: I welcome the white background of the text in
this file. Unfortunately there are a few tables, probably taken
directly from the help, that still got a background color we'd call
"old rosé" here. Looks bad. My feeling is a neutral light grey would
work better.

I have no idea what you're referring to here. (The tables aren't taken from the help; the source for help file and the pdf are the same, just the output files are different.)
On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 3:18 AM, K_Meinhard <> wrote:

> Hallo Charles Dye,
> ---Quote---
>> 13.0 hasn't even gotten to beta yet, so that must be a typo.
> ---End Quote---
> Just looked at it, its 12,11 now.
> But there is another issue with the pdf file: the font used for
> headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
> normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal magnifications
> here. Anyone else experiencing the same?

No. What's a "normal magnification?, and what are you using to view
the PDF? I see no such issues using Adobe X on a 1280x1024 screen, at
the 65% magnification Adobe X defaulted to.

It looks fine in Foxit Reader and Sumatra PDF, too.

What's your viewing environment?

> And while I'm at it: I welcome the white background of the text in
> this file. Unfortunately there are a few tables, probably taken
> directly from the help, that still got a background color we'd call
> "old rosé" here. Looks bad. My feeling is a neutral light grey would
> work better.

I'd call it a light tan. and again, do not have an issue with it.

> * *Klaus Meinhard **
> <www.4dos.info>
the font used for
headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal magnifications
here. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Not with me, it looks perfectly normal on a 1280x1024 screen using Adobe Reader and PDF-XChange.
> > But there is another issue with the pdf file: the font used for
> > headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
> > normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal magnifications
> > here. Anyone else experiencing the same?

Things look normal for me on Adobe 9.4.0, 100% magnification.

TCC 12.11.71 x64 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7600]
TCC Build 71 Windows 7 Build 7600

> > And while I'm at it: I welcome the white background of the text in
> > this file. Unfortunately there are a few tables, probably taken
> > directly from the help, that still got a background color we'd call
> > "old rosé" here. Looks bad. My feeling is a neutral light grey would
> > work better.
> ---End Quote---
> I'd call it a light tan. and again, do not have an issue with it.
If you mean for example the Variable Functions table (pg. 48) with TCC and
TCC/LE and CMD headings, I can see what you mean. It doesn't especially
offend me, but I'd probably rather see the same background as the rest of
the page.

Jim Cook
2011 Monday: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Tuesday.
Hallo Jim Cook,

> Things look normal for me on Adobe 9.4.0, 100% magnification.

Just checked again here. Things look okay for me in Foxit Reader 4.0,
while Adobe Reader 10.1 shows me a totally different sansserif font
starting with "Take Command 12.11" on the front page. That font has
much higher caps than the normal fonts and is nearly unreadable in
smaller text.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
Hallo Rex,

> ---Quote (Originally by K_Meinhard)---
> But there is another issue with the pdf file: the font used for
> headers has such an unfortunate size difference between caps and
> normal letters that it gets nearly unreadable at normal
> magnifications
> here. Anyone else experiencing the same?
> ---End Quote---
> I don't see anything like that. The header font is Arial, which is
> definitely not an unusual font.

See my other posting in this thread. The problem occurs only if i view
the file with Adobe Acrobat 10.1, not in Foxit. I just checked, but
the font displayed in Acrobat is not even installed on my system, so I
can give you no name.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:33 AM, K_Meinhard <> wrote:

> Hallo Jim Cook,
> ---Quote---
>> Things look normal for me on Adobe 9.4.0, 100% magnification.
> ---End Quote---
> Just checked again here. Things look okay for me in Foxit Reader 4.0,
> while Adobe Reader 10.1 shows me a totally different sansserif font
> starting with "Take Command 12.11" on the front page. That font has
> much higher caps than the normal fonts and is nearly unreadable in
> smaller text.

As an additional check, install the open source Sumatra PDF package,
and look at it in that.

If it looks okay in Sumatra as well as Foxit, it's not a Take Command
PDF file issue. Something is wrong with your Adobe installation.

Incidentally, Foxit is up to version 5.02.

> * *Klaus Meinhard **
> <www.4dos.info>
> See my other posting in this thread. The problem occurs only if i
> view the file with Adobe Acrobat 10.1, not in Foxit. I just checked,
> but the font displayed in Acrobat is not even installed on my
> system, so I can give you no name.

?? You don't have Arial installed on your system?

I'm using Adobe Reader 10.1.0 and have no problems with the font.

Rex Conn
JP Software
Hallo Rex,

> ---Quote---
> > See my other posting in this thread. The problem occurs only if i
> > view the file with Adobe Acrobat 10.1, not in Foxit. I just
> > checked, but the font displayed in Acrobat is not even installed
> > on my system, so I can give you no name.
> ---End Quote---

> ?? You don't have Arial installed on your system?

<sigh> No, Arial is displayed correctly in Foxit Reader here, while
Acrobat Reader shows me a different sansserif font with a very big
ratio between caps and lower case characters, as I have tried to
convey 2 times.

Since nobody else sees this, I'll try to reinstall Foxit and Acrobat.

I have now reinstalled Foxit and Acrobat. Same thing. In Acrobat 10.1,
both the english and the german version, I see the strange font I have
tried to describe above.

Some further testing: pdf2word converts your Arial to Helvetica here.

Please remember I have a german installation of Vista 64. I have,
however, determined that arial.ttf and arialuni.ttf, nas well as the
rest of the arial family, are correctly installed on my system.

Sinced this hasn't a high priority, I'll let it drop and check
again when a new version of the help file becomes available.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
> <Later>
> I have now reinstalled Foxit and Acrobat. Same thing. In Acrobat
> 10.1, both the english and the german version, I see the strange
> font I have tried to describe above.

Did you try it with the 10.1 Reader or the full Acrobat?

It's hard to see how this could be anything other than an Acrobat problem on
your system.

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 10:36 AM, K_Meinhard <> wrote:

>> ?? You don't have Arial installed on your system?
> ---End Quote---
> <sigh> No, Arial is displayed correctly in Foxit Reader here, while
> Acrobat Reader shows me a different sansserif font with a very big
> ratio between caps and lower case characters, as I have tried to
> convey 2 times.
> Since nobody else sees this, I'll try to reinstall Foxit and Acrobat.

Can you create a screen shot of what you see? I'd love to know what
font Adobe Reader 10 is substituting.

> <Later>
> I have now reinstalled Foxit and Acrobat. Same thing. In Acrobat 10.1,
> both the english and the german version, I see the strange font I have
> tried to describe above.
> Some further testing: pdf2word converts your Arial to Helvetica here.

Arial is MS's knockoff of Helvetica, apparently created because they
they didn't want to pay a licensing fee for the real thing. A *lot*
of typographers and designers who admire Herman Zapf's work are still
pissed at MS about it.

> Please remember I have a german installation of Vista 64. I have,
> however, determined that arial.ttf and arialuni.ttf, nas well as the
> rest of the arial family, are correctly installed on my system.
> Sinced this hasn't a high priority, I'll let it drop and check
> again when a new version of the help file becomes available.

Did it work correctly in an older version of the PDF file?

Unless the fonts are embedded in the PDF, to handle the case where a
font the user probably doesn't have installed is used, Adobe and any
other Windows PDF viewer should simply be using the system font.

Since it shows correctly in Foxit, I'd call this an Adobe bug, and not
a Take Command problem at all.

> * *Klaus Meinhard **
> <www.4dos.info>
<sigh>No, Arial is displayed correctly in Foxit Reader here, while Acrobat Reader shows me a different sansserif font with a very big ratio between caps and lower case characters, as I have tried to convey 2 times.

Adobe Reader is for some reason remapping the font. If you do File / Properties / Fonts, you should be able to at least see what font it's using.

Hallo Charles,

> Adobe Reader is for some reason remapping the font. If you do File
> / Properties / Fonts, you should be able to at least see what font
> it's using.

Good idea, Charles. Thank you. . It shows that Acrobat substitutes
Adobe Sans MM for Arial-Bold and Arial-Italic as well as
Arial-Bolditalic.These seem to be the fonts that are hard to read.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
Hallo Rex,

> Did you try it with the 10.1 Reader or the full Acrobat?
> It's hard to see how this could be anything other than an Acrobat
> problem on your system.

I tried it with the firefox plugin, the IE plugin, the full, newly
installed german and then, after deinstallation, the english version.
I always see the same thing already described.

The only idea I have is that here (german) in Explorer e.g. the file
ARIALNB.TTF is shown as Arial Narrow Fett, ARIALNI.TTF as Arial Narrow
Kursiv (instead of bold, italic).

So if somewhere the english name of the font instead of the actual
filename is used, ...

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
Good idea, Charles. Thank you. . It shows that Acrobat substitutes Adobe Sans MM for Arial-Bold and Arial-Italic as well as Arial-Bolditalic.These seem to be the fonts that are hard to read.

I'm sorry to say that I have no idea why it's doing that, or how to fix it. Perhaps if you were to uninstall, and then delete all Adobe's registry keys before reinstalling?

Install the MISSING FONT. if its installed uninstall it. (rename the
fontname.extentions) reboot. try again

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Dye
Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2011 11:07 a.m.

Subject: RE: [Support-t-3020] Re: Help file for 13.1??

---Quote (Originally by K_Meinhard)---
Good idea, Charles. Thank you. . It shows that Acrobat substitutes Adobe
Sans MM for Arial-Bold and Arial-Italic as well as
Arial-Bolditalic.These seem to be the fonts that are hard to read.
---End Quote---
I'm sorry to say that I have no idea why it's doing that, or how to fix
it. Perhaps if you were to uninstall, and then delete all Adobe's
registry keys before reinstalling?

Hallo Charles,

> I'm sorry to say that I have no idea why it's doing that, or how to
> fix it. Perhaps if you were to uninstall, and then delete all
> Adobe's registry keys before reinstalling?

Sorry, it was late yesterday evening, and a little sleep helps :-).

I've now reinstalled the Arial font family and everything is well,
Adobe Reader shows the intended fonts.

I don't know what happended, or why Foxit was able to show the correct
fonts, but it was obviousloy a fault on my system. Now the phenomenon
is gone, and I apologize to everybody who tried to help and whose time
this took.

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
Hallo Kachupp,

> Install the MISSING FONT. if its installed uninstall it. (rename the
> fontname.extentions) reboot. try again

See my other message. I did exactly that, and it worked. Thanks.

herzliche Grüße,

Klaus Meinhard