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HistWrap directive

Charles Dye

Super Moderator
Staff member
Does the HistWrap directive actually do anything anymore?

Should it?
On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 15:40:55 -0500, you wrote:

>Does the HistWrap directive actually do anything anymore?
>Should it?

Mine's "No" and my history doesn't wrap. I haven't tried changing it in years.
Charles Dye wrote:

> Does the HistWrap directive actually do anything anymore?

As far as I can tell, it still does exactly what it's always done. When on,
pressing the up- or down-arrow keys when at the top/bottom of the history
causes a wrap to the bottom/top. When off, nothing happens when you attempt
to arrow past the top or bottom. Tested with TCC 9.02.151.

-- Howard
Charles Dye wrote:

As far as I can tell, it still does exactly what it's always done. When on,
pressing the up- or down-arrow keys when at the top/bottom of the history
causes a wrap to the bottom/top. When off, nothing happens when you attempt to arrow past the top or bottom. Tested with TCC 9.02.151.

Odd; that's the same version I'm using, and mine doesn't wrap with HistWrap on. I wonder what's different between yours and mine.
It works here -- enabling it causes the up/down keys to wrap around when
they reach the beginning or end of the history list. Disabling it
results in a beep & no change when you reach the beginning or end.

Weird; I can't make it work here, on either of two computers. Even with no TCSTART and a TCMD.INI consisting solely of

it doesn't do anything (wrap or beep) when I try to move past the top/bottom of the history (directory history, filename completion) popup.

Well, it's not something that I actually want to use.
Charles Dye wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
> It works here -- enabling it causes the up/down keys to wrap around when
> they reach the beginning or end of the history list. Disabling it
> results in a beep & no change when you reach the beginning or end.
> ---End Quote---
> Weird; I can't make it work here, on either of two computers. Even with
> no TCSTART and a TCMD.INI consisting solely of
> Code:
> ---------
> [4NT]
> HistWrap=Yes
> ---------
> it doesn't do anything (wrap or beep) when I try to move past the
> top/bottom of the history (directory history, filename completion) popup.
HISTWRAP has nothing to do with popups. It only affects the direct recall
of commands -- using the arrow keys with the cursor on the command line.

-- Howard