Yesterday I installed a new program I got off of the web named Notepad++ (it's a much-enhanced version of notepad that doesn't have notepad's line-length limitations for example). But there's something strange (to me at least) going on here: I can run the program in TCC no matter what the current directory is by simply entering a "notepad++" command. Of course this wouldn't be strange if the directory containing the program was in the "path" environment variable, but it isn't according to the standard Windows "where" command. Nor is it a TCC alias (how would it know to create a TCC alias, anyway?). And stranger yet if I run a cmd session from within a TCC session (just by typing "cmd" and hitting enter, of course) and then enter a notepad++ command, I get a "'notepad++' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." error message - whatever the mechanism for starting the program is in TCC it is only known to TCC. I suppose this isn't important other than it really bugs me when there's something going on with my computer that I don't understand at all even in principle.