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How to? i need a little help

yea , just finished watching a java video in which the .java and .class files where compiled using the dos window in regular dos , using a ( [C:\extras\lesson1\fig02_01] ) javac *.java command to complile the two files in the same folder and it word however when i tried it i got a unknown command ? it did not recognize a javac command does anyone happen to know how to do this?
java.exe is the Java interpreter, which is part of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment). It allows you to run Java classes. Windows comes with its own version of the JRE.

The JDK (Java Development Kit), on the other hand, contains java.exe, javac.exe (the actual compiler that reads in a .java file and outputs a .class file) and other dev-oriented stuff. The JDK does not come with Windows - you have to download it from Sun's Oracle's site.
java.exe is the Java interpreter, which is part of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment). It allows you to run Java classes. Windows comes with its own version of the JRE.

The JDK (Java Development Kit), on the other hand, contains java.exe, javac.exe (the actual compiler that reads in a .java file and outputs a .class file) and other dev-oriented stuff. The JDK does not come with Windows - you have to download it from Sun's Oracle's site.
yes thats true and i can do a javac and create a class but can not follow it with a java command because it can not open the jvm.cfg exe file ?? do you have a lot of knowledge about this topic?