At this moment I have three Take Command/TCC instances executing, only one of which is even visible much less usable. How am I defining "visible"? Simple: Alt-Tab showing a caption/title of some kind when that Take Command/TCC instance is highlighted (which is not the case at the present moment), and actually being able to "switch to" that Take Command/TCC instance when I take my my finger off of the "Alt" key, rather than the focus being maintained on the app that had the focus when I hit the Alt-Tab key in the first place. Further, if I minimize all visible open windows/apps the last visible app does not "appear to" minimize (i.e., it remains on the screen) and the cursor turns into an hour-glass that stays on the screen until you Alt-Tab to switch to another, "visible" when not minimized, app. And for the two invisible/completely unresponsive Take Command/TCC instances, one is an elevated TCC simply doing a "Copy G:\ K:\ /S /O" command (where G: and K: are external hard drives), the other a non-elevated TCC session where I simply entered "help" with no parameters. Put simply, this happens often enough for me as to be really irritating, and I am running no instances of programs that I wrote myself at the moment (either .btm files or C++ programs), or to say it another way, every program that is currently executing is either a Take Command/TCC instance or a completely "standard" Microsoft or other vendor's program (specifically at this moment, the Microsoft-supplied standard Windows "Magnifier" app, MS Outlook 2003, 3 Notepad instances, Windows Media Player, and an instance of the MS-supplied "Solitaire" program, which I play with while I am waiting for commands/programs to complete so I am not bored (while I'm not bored playing Solitaire after all these years is a mystery I have no interest in solving ;)).
So there can be no confusion as to what is running/what is not in my system at the present moment:
I really don't know what everything in the above list is; I just know that it is something that I did not explicitly start. And the above list was generated by using the SysInternals' (now a part of Microsoft) "PsList" command.
And to be even more complete, a complete list of the "services" currently on this machine are included in an attached .zip file (it is too long to put here inline). And I apologize for the horrible formatting of said list, but that's the way the list comes out of "Services.msc" when you "export" it. And I'm not aware of any service in the above list that is not "standard" in some way.
I will also add as an aside, that whenever I put the "List" command at the end of a "pipe" I ultimately have to hit Ctrl-C after hitting the "Esc[ape]" key to terminated it; only mildly annoying but possibly somewhat related to the previous.
And, as always, TCC 13.04.52 Windows 7 (Professional) [Version 6.1.7601].
- Dan
So there can be no confusion as to what is running/what is not in my system at the present moment:
AcroRd32 26812 6 13 257 5640 0:00:03.744 16:26:17.975
AcroRd32 27868 6 7 415 43060 0:01:24.880 16:26:17.085
Agent 28888 8 52 273 24544 0:00:01.497 12:17:03.517
armsvc 1624 8 4 63 788 0:00:00.031 39:29:12.500
audiodg 1172 8 8 362 16064 0:00:13.665 39:29:14.479
CAAMSvc 1768 8 9 81 5972 0:00:00.015 39:29:04.092
casc 196 6 24 473 25880 0:00:16.645 39:27:43.782
ccevtmgr 11828 10 27 426 21340 0:00:09.625 26:13:24.877
ccprovep 26808 8 4 57 784 0:00:00.000 14:10:39.702
ccprovsp 2548 8 4 74 960 0:00:00.936 39:27:26.708
ccschedulersvc 1844 8 5 115 1460 0:00:00.374 39:29:03.655
ClassicStartMenu 4048 8 1 78 3320 0:00:00.046 39:27:50.729
conhost 5256 8 2 44 3564 0:00:47.034 39:23:06.082
conhost 5868 8 2 44 3576 0:00:48.001 39:18:02.856
conhost 34656 8 2 37 1844 0:00:02.199 1:52:47.506
csrss 504 13 9 712 1360 0:00:09.094 39:29:32.934
csrss 564 13 11 799 12372 0:14:02.920 39:29:27.334
DownloadManager 4128 8 18 406 28980 0:00:23.602 39:27:16.487
explorer 3388 8 28 764 30572 0:05:36.057 39:28:17.385
firefox 1996 6 32 634 193792 0:12:31.066 39:22:50.905
GoogleCrashHandler 2592 4 3 61 676 0:00:00.062 39:27:31.712
GoogleToolbarNotifier 3696 8 7 238 2760 0:00:01.294 39:27:36.924
Idle 0 0 1 0 0 8:32:26.112 0:00:00.000
isafe 1824 8 9 156 4936 0:00:40.887 39:29:03.936
jusched 2028 8 1 44 756 0:00:00.015 39:27:39.166
lsass 660 9 7 864 3316 0:00:35.911 39:29:23.590
lsm 668 8 9 178 1560 0:00:01.045 39:29:23.574
Magnify 5400 10 8 135 41164 4:45:53.417 39:15:20.546
McciCMService 2012 8 5 112 1172 0:00:00.062 39:29:02.579
McciServiceHost 100 8 15 4721 100532 0:24:04.506 39:29:02.532
McciTrayApp 4080 8 15 200 4144 0:22:48.347 39:27:49.130
MDM 472 8 5 87 1520 0:00:26.317 39:29:02.454
Name Pid Pri Thd Hnd Priv CPU Time Elapsed Time
notepad 8548 6 2 77 1164 0:00:01.435 28:20:35.116
notepad 20860 6 2 76 1168 0:00:02.870 21:12:58.173
notepad 32800 6 2 81 1224 0:00:03.494 1:18:05.653
nSvcAppFlt 1932 8 4 80 1492 0:00:00.046 39:29:02.813
nSvcIp 2440 8 6 121 2520 0:00:00.156 39:28:43.250
nvvsvc 888 8 5 69 720 0:00:00.046 39:29:16.008
nvvsvc 1304 8 5 98 2544 0:00:02.901 39:29:13.902
OUTLOOK 4596 6 26 1198 77732 0:03:50.631 39:10:30.904
plugin-container 984 6 16 221 33760 0:21:38.708 39:22:07.539
plugin-container 27184 6 4 146 8048 0:00:01.310 16:26:21.970
prio_svc 768 8 4 36 456 0:00:00.031 39:29:01.845
PsList 35624 13 1 160 2100 0:00:00.312 0:00:00.298
scrybe 4380 8 10 453 14976 0:00:44.304 39:27:09.059
ScrybeUpdater 1296 8 6 221 3512 0:00:02.106 39:29:01.549
SDWinSec 2504 8 8 137 11452 0:00:02.683 39:28:42.704
SearchIndexer 2776 8 11 979 47992 0:00:42.931 39:27:41.068
services 652 9 6 262 5660 0:00:17.238 39:29:23.746
smss 300 11 2 29 224 0:00:00.218 39:30:24.710
Soft32 Updater 3628 8 11 637 36444 0:00:12.979 39:27:17.329
Solitaire 4648 8 9 230 74568 0:21:37.444 39:26:51.633
SPLUS_UI 3672 6 6 380 18772 0:00:47.627 39:28:13.127
spoolsv 1524 8 15 322 6484 0:00:06.489 39:29:12.825
sqlservr 524 8 31 299 52440 0:14:44.681 39:29:02.360
sqlwriter 1588 8 4 75 1228 0:00:00.078 39:29:01.455
svchost 640 8 21 276 5252 0:00:07.363 39:27:48.776
svchost 824 8 11 397 3292 0:11:34.126 39:29:16.445
svchost 916 8 9 400 4632 0:00:17.409 39:29:15.930
svchost 964 8 19 475 14192 0:00:10.498 39:29:15.774
svchost 1088 8 15 352 53712 0:12:50.332 39:29:14.994
svchost 1116 8 28 1069 28268 0:01:16.331 39:29:14.932
svchost 1232 8 9 267 3716 0:00:17.893 39:29:14.183
svchost 1432 8 14 421 11392 0:00:13.478 39:29:13.252
svchost 1568 8 11 237 5368 0:00:01.388 39:29:12.690
svchost 1984 8 3 46 700 0:00:00.015 39:29:02.641
svchost 4368 6 4 76 904 0:00:00.031 39:23:14.272
SynTPEnh 3236 10 9 202 8052 0:00:50.856 39:27:46.475
SynTPHelper 3780 10 1 17 460 0:00:00.015 39:27:42.167
System 4 8 119 2350 60 0:24:38.296 39:30:24.726
taskeng 6104 8 5 94 1136 0:00:01.232 39:18:14.141
taskeng 33432 8 5 83 984 0:00:00.078 1:52:57.280
taskhost 3284 8 9 287 9560 0:00:04.243 39:28:18.384
tcc 1712 6 6 192 26324 0:30:38.284 39:23:06.142
tcc 5424 6 5 172 24696 0:32:23.444 39:18:02.898
tcc 34244 6 4 138 18504 0:02:38.559 1:52:47.549
tcc 35412 6 2 89 9528 0:00:00.062 0:00:00.364
tcmd 740 13 8 293 31808 0:09:37.983 39:18:13.639
tcmd 3776 13 8 289 29484 0:01:47.531 39:23:14.222
tcmd 31508 13 7 273 28324 0:01:03.617 1:52:56.947
TeaTimer 1052 4 4 143 69924 0:20:56.525 39:27:23.908
UmxEngine 1692 8 39 945 120328 0:48:06.564 39:29:01.377
vds 2860 8 13 150 2140 0:00:00.530 39:28:30.739
winampa 4040 8 1 38 636 0:00:00.062 39:27:51.016
wininit 572 13 3 76 884 0:00:00.218 39:29:26.881
winlogon 608 13 3 100 976 0:00:00.327 39:29:25.384
WINWORD 6048 8 14 648 37012 0:04:44.920 39:13:18.500
wmplayer 8140 8 24 735 38648 0:03:56.091 37:10:58.506
wmpnetwk 5288 8 15 506 11260 0:00:32.089 39:26:19.001
WUDFHost 2960 8 9 248 2060 0:00:00.951 39:28:30.209
And to be even more complete, a complete list of the "services" currently on this machine are included in an attached .zip file (it is too long to put here inline). And I apologize for the horrible formatting of said list, but that's the way the list comes out of "Services.msc" when you "export" it. And I'm not aware of any service in the above list that is not "standard" in some way.
I will also add as an aside, that whenever I put the "List" command at the end of a "pipe" I ultimately have to hit Ctrl-C after hitting the "Esc[ape]" key to terminated it; only mildly annoying but possibly somewhat related to the previous.
And, as always, TCC 13.04.52 Windows 7 (Professional) [Version 6.1.7601].
- Dan