mfarah Nov 344 10 2020-12-08 #1 This way, those of us who frequently launch TCC windows separate from TCMD won't have to do it manually each time we install a new version.
This way, those of us who frequently launch TCC windows separate from TCMD won't have to do it manually each time we install a new version.
Alpengreis Jan 723 16 2020-12-08 #2 Well, it's only necessary for major version, else the Icon/Symbol remains in the task bar (here). So, I find it's not a must for 1 time per year ...
Well, it's only necessary for major version, else the Icon/Symbol remains in the task bar (here). So, I find it's not a must for 1 time per year ...
rconn Administrator May 13,183 205 Staff member 2021-05-16 #3 Microsoft says this is deprecated and apps shouldn't do it any more.