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Installing build 26

Got this the first time. The second time it worked.

Exception - [SEH_AV_DEP_BADPTR] ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0xae14fe1a988a840f.

    *** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x988a840f]   -----
[0x6f697a94]   MsiSetOfflineContextW()
[0x6f55a45c]   MsiInvalidateFeatureCache()
[0x6f5b5b92]   MsiGetPropertyW()
[0x0027defc]   -----
[0x0028b9c0]   -----
[0x0029321b]   -----
[0x00293012]   -----
[0x00288b4b]   -----
[0x0028d1a7]   -----
[0x0028cfa8]   -----
[0x00239d51]   -----
[0x00239f02]   -----
[0x00238e01]   -----
[0x00235db4]   -----
[0x0052f9fc]   -----
[0x0055005c]   -----
[0x00650073]   -----
[0x00730072]   -----
[0x0076005c]   -----
A similar thing happened on my work machine (XP) ... crash the first time, success the second time. Both were b24 to b26.

Got this the first time. The second time it worked.

Exception - [SEH_AV_DEP_BADPTR] ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0xae14fe1a988a840f.

    *** Stack Trace (x86) ***

[0x988a840f]   -----
[0x6f697a94]   MsiSetOfflineContextW()
[0x6f55a45c]   MsiInvalidateFeatureCache()
[0x6f5b5b92]   MsiGetPropertyW()
[0x0027defc]   -----
[0x0028b9c0]   -----
[0x0029321b]   -----
[0x00293012]   -----
[0x00288b4b]   -----
[0x0028d1a7]   -----
[0x0028cfa8]   -----
[0x00239d51]   -----
[0x00239f02]   -----
[0x00238e01]   -----
[0x00235db4]   -----
[0x0052f9fc]   -----
[0x0055005c]   -----
[0x00650073]   -----
[0x00730072]   -----
[0x0076005c]   -----
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 10:56:21 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|---Quote (Originally by vefatica)---
|A similar thing happened on my work machine (XP) ... crash the first time, success the second time. Both were b24 to b26.
|---End Quote---
|The installer developers want a verbose log:
|tcmd.exe /L*V logfilename

What am I supposed to do with that command line (and when)? TCMD chokes on it.
From: vefatica
| rconn wrote:
|| The installer developers want a verbose log:
|| tcmd.exe /L*V logfilename
| What am I supposed to do with that command line (and when)? TCMD
| chokes on it.

I suppose it's a command to use with the installer - you are supposed to DWRM!

I had suggested long ago that the installer and the product have different filenames, to make it easier to know which kind a file is, and to make communications easier. For a while I thought that MS installers do not permit that, but we have a bunch of counterexamples: installers for the LE and for the 64b versions.
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:50:22 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> What am I supposed to do with that command line (and when)?
|> TCMD chokes on it.
|---End Quote---
|You're supposed to use that on the installer, not the installed TCMD.EXE.
|The TCMD.EXE installer is just a wrapper around msiexec, which is what
|generates the installation log.
|The installer developers need a log of a failed (crashed) installation.

It is still now clear what you're asking me to do ... and when.
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:39:46 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> ---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
|> 1) Download the installer.
|> 2) Run it with the /L*V option.
|> 3) If it crashes, send me the log. If it doesn't crash, go to 1.
|> ---End Quote---
|> Shouldn't he go to *2*? I mean, why clog the network? ;-)
|---End Quote---
|No, go to 1. It only (sometimes) happens the first time he tries to install
|a new build.

That's right and IIRC, the fix in XP was to DL and install manually (not via
On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:31:17 -0400, vefatica <> wrote:

|---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
|1) Download the installer.
|2) Run it with the /L*V option.
|3) If it crashes, send me the log. If it doesn't crash, go to 1.
|---End Quote---
|Another failed install! Find INSTALL27.ZIP attached.
|Attached to this message is install27.zip (http://jpsoft.com/forums/attachments/support/237d1318951834-installing-build-26-install27.zip)

Odd ... the last line in the log of the failed install is

Action start 11:24:01: ProgressDlg.

On the second try (successful, no new download) the log does not contain such a
From: vefatica
Subject: RE: [Support-t-3276] Installing build 26
| Attached to this message is install27.zip

Oxymoron? Or have I missed the announcement of B27's availability?
On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:32:16 -0400, Steve Fabian <> wrote:

|From: vefatica
|Subject: RE: [Support-t-3276] Installing build 26
|| Attached to this message is install27.zip
|Oxymoron? Or have I missed the announcement of B27's availability?

I didn't see it either, but it must be official since I DL'd it from the web
site, and on my work machine, got it via "OPTION /U".
Here's one that crashes all the time for me.

At work, I don't have TC installed in the default "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\...." In order to keep my personal software separate from my work provided software, I install in "C:\MyProgramFiles\JPSoft\...."

Here's where the crash comes in every time. Sometimes, while installing an update, I forget to change the install folder from "C:\Program Fil..." and continue to the next screen then remember and click the back button. I then change the install path to "C:\MyProga..." then continue with the Next buttons to the point of installation. It crashes every single time.

If I remember to change the install path the first time through, the install works correctly.
Can you generate a verbose installer log? And the crash info (taken from
the screen) would be useful for me to pass on to the Windows Installer
Will do that right now since build 27 is available.
I haven't installed yet. How do I run the logger "/L*V logfile.txt" from the updater? Or how do I run the downloaded installer executable as an updater while passing the logging switch? If I run the installer from the CMD prompt with just the logging switch, it wants to Add Components or Repair, it doesn't go to the upgrade.
> I haven't installed yet. How do I run the logger "/L*V logfile.txt" from

> the updater? Or how do I run the downloaded installer executable as an
> updater while passing the logging switch? If I run the installer from the
> CMD prompt with just the logging switch, it wants to Add Components or
> Repair, it doesn't go to the upgrade.

You should be able to just run the installer like this:

tcmd.exe /L*V install.log

(Or tcmdx64.exe if you're using the 64-bit version.) But if you crashed
during the previous install attempt, Windows will display the repair or
uninstall dialog. In that case, uninstall and then try installing again.

I did it and it failed. Then I decided to get a better screen shot and it ended up working the second time (and third and fourth ...) and I lost the install log file.

Here's the screen shot.


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