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Installing TCMD without admin

I work on a laptop that has one of those typical corporate images that does not provide admin rights to the end user.

I hadn't even considered this as a problem when I ordered TCMD.

However, without admin rights I can't execute regsrv32 against isLicense.dll.

Is there a registration mechanism or workaround for people in my situation?

> I work on a laptop that has one of those typical corporate images that
> does not provide admin rights to the end user.
> I hadn't even considered this as a problem when I ordered TCMD.
> However, without admin rights I can't execute regsrv32 against
> isLicense.dll.
> Is there a registration mechanism or workaround for people in my
> situation?

Where are you seeing the problem -- in the installer itself, or when
starting Take Command?

The Take Command installer does the registration of IsLicense50.dll. This
is normal installer behavior, and if your admins are blocking it there
they'll block most other apps in existence. (I've never heard of anybody
trying to block an installer -- which by definition *does* have admin rights
-- from registering a COM dll.)

The only time Take Command itself will try to run regsvr32 is if
IsLicense50.dll is not accessible at startup (either because it was never
registered or it was removed). In that instance, the only way to register
it is to start TCMD elevated (as an administrator).

Rex Conn
JP Software