> It's a standard Windows generic error box with no information.
> But when I clicked somewhere where it said more information, it
> said this:
> AppName: tcmd.exe
> AppVersion:
> ModName: kernel32.dll
> ModVersion: 5.1.2600.5781
> offset: 00012afb
The crash is in Windows, not in Take Command. I will need the TCMD.GPF file
to have any clue where TCMD.EXE is in the startup process when it calls the
afflicted Windows API.
But I doubt it's related to the registration process, as none of that code
is calling anything in kernel32.dll. More likely something has gotten
munged in your v12 startup configuration. You can reset that back to the
defaults by starting REGEDIT and going to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JP
Software\Take Command 13.0", and deleting the "Settings" key.
> There is a takecommand.12.10.key file in that directory. Does it
> belong there? Its timestamp is back in Mar 11.
It doesn't matter; it isn't used. You can remove it without affecting
> AFAIK, I'm not the only one that has reported this behavior. You
> did not take it very seriously in those other reports either.
AFAIK, you *are* the only one that has reported this behavior.
Anybody else seeing this?
> Isn't it possible that this registration scheme is having unintended
> consequences. IE, bugs?
That seems improbable, given that there is no congruence between the v12 and
v13 registry keys.
> I also have tcmd 11 on that computer. That works but gives errors about
> its startup file. I have to plow thru 2 or 3 errors before it starts.
That's to be expected, given the new directives since v11.