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Invisible Output

  • Thread starter Thread starter EWg
  • Start date Start date
Since a few weeks, my TCC LE 13.06.77 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7600] do not displayed all output in a propper way!

e.g. If I start a console, and type "DIR", normaly every thing seems OK, but if I type DIR a second time, only the header and the footer and few of the directories are dispayed, but no files.

A redirection of the command shows the compete output but on screen the color has changed to BLACK on BLACK!!

Any Idees?
I don't see anything wrong there. How about TCSTART (presumably, in E:\Shells)?

Also, do you still see the issue if you start TCC/LE from the Window-R Run dialog?
Since a few weeks, my TCC LE 13.06.77 Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7600] do not displayed all output in a propper way!

e.g. If I start a console, and type "DIR", normaly every thing seems OK, but if I type DIR a second time, only the header and the footer and few of the directories are dispayed, but no files.

A redirection of the command shows the compete output but on screen the color has changed to BLACK on BLACK!!

This cannot be a TCC/LE bug. TCC/LE doesn't have anything to do with how text is displayed in a console window; that's done by Windows (specifically conhost.exe). TCC/LE just makes Windows API calls to output text.

The only thing that could be TCC/LE related is if you have defined DIRCOLORS and you've got an extension defined that is resulting in a black on black display. (Or less likely that you have ANSI output enabled and you're displaying filenames and/or file descriptions that have embedded ANSI sequences.)