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Is there any way to do a silent install?

Mostly, I find the update process is too interactive (even with option /u). Is there a way to download e.g. tcmdx64.exe and run it silently? Preferably with some way to change some of the options (e.g. I don't want a desktop icon)
If you run the installer with the /? argument, it will display the available options (include a silent installation). There is no way to specify individual installation options like the desktop icon (Windows installer limitation).

I'm fairly sure it's not a "Windows Installer" limitation - I've seen quite a few MSIs which allow for passing parameters that change their behavior. For example, in Python's installer you can pass a parameter TARGETDIR (for python.org) or INSTALLDIR (for ActiveState), which defines the directory where it will be installed. It *may* be an "Advanced Installer" limitation, but MSIs are extremely versatile.
Update: The command line parameters do not seem to do anything.

I'm running these:
tccle.exe /exenoui
tccle.exe /exebasicui
and the result is exactly the same as if I didn't use these parameters (i.e. the full UI is displayed, and I have to press "next" each time)
It's not a TCC/LE question, it's the same thing with the full Take Command. I was just using TCC/LE so I wouldn't install and uninstall Take Command so many times to find out if anything worked! :)

Anyway, I think I have my own answer now - although it's not as easy as it should be (as the *.exe installer doesn't seem to be passing the parameters to the actual *.msi - although I'm still researching this)

It's a three step process (for now):

  1. Extract all the files:
    tcmd.exe /extract:%_cwds
    (I'm using the 32-bit installer because I don't want to uninstall the program I'm already running :))
  2. Code:
    move E915408\*
    (normally I would search for the first directory etc)
  3. Execute this:
    msiexec /i tcmd.msi /quiet /log tcmd.log AI_DESKTOP_SH=0
The procedure mainly works (I did just now install TCMD 32-bit without any icon on the desktop), but there are a couple of snags:

  1. The extraction is done interactively, so I must manually wait for it to finish.
  2. After the installation, the "thank you" page pops up.
I appreciate this thread is old, but the installation options seem to be the same so it doesn't seem to be inappropriate to append to it now...

I'm trying to pass an MSI Option to set the installation folder, but no matter what format I use I am just getting an error message about "This package can only be run from a bootstrapper"


The specific command I ran to get that error was:

tcc-rt.exe "/i "tcc-rt.x64.msi" Targetdir="c:\tcc-rt""​

I get exactly the same error if I extract the tcc-rt.exe package to a folder and try to run the tcc-rt.x64.msi file directly, so this error doesn't "look" like it's an invalid MSI Option, but more like the MSI package is not being allowed to be run at all.

If I run it without the quotes around the MSI parameters, then nothing happens, so it seems the entire command line is simply ignored as "in error".

If I run it with angled brackets (as possibly suggested by the command line help?), it is generates an error, I assume because it thinks I'm trying to parse commands in some way...

The command line options help screen is unusefully ambiguous on the required format for parsing the MSI Options...any chance someone can provide me with an example of exactly how I should be formatting this line? Ideally, how to pass the required installation folder!!


Or is there a better/different way to set a custom installation folder?

I do need to run this from the command line with no user interaction...thanks in advance!!
Thanks - that's exactly what I'm asking...how do I do that as the help is non-existent? It just says <msioptions>?

I've given examples of how I'm trying to pass the MSI options...perhaps you could review those or pass me back working examples?

I only extracted the files to see if I got a different result...but I didn't...
I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself well.

I want to set the TCC-RT installation folder via an installation command line option - please can you give me a working example of how to do this?

I am aware that the MSI options have to be passed to the TCC-RT setup but I cannot work out how as the TCC-RT installer help file is too vague.

This is what I tried:

tcc-rt.exe "/i "tcc-rt.x64.msi" Targetdir="c:\tcc-rt""​

But this generated the following error:

I assume that I am passing the MSI option incorrectly...please can you provide me with a working example of how to pass an MSI option to the TCC-RT setup application?
tcc-rt.exe /i tcc-rt.x64.msi Targetdir="c:\tcc-rt"
Charles - Thanks - I had already tried this command with/without the "extra" quotation marks...without the quotation marks (as you have written) nothing happens at all - no dialogue, no error and no installation...nada...

With the quotation marks, at least it is giving me some feedback even if it is the error message above.

Can I check if this has worked on your computer? Perhaps I need to check this on another system?
I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself well.

I want to set the TCC-RT installation folder via an installation command line option - please can you give me a working example of how to do this?

I am aware that the MSI options have to be passed to the TCC-RT setup but I cannot work out how as the TCC-RT installer help file is too vague.

This is what I tried:

tcc-rt.exe "/i "tcc-rt.x64.msi" Targetdir="c:\tcc-rt""​

I assume that I am passing the MSI option incorrectly...please can you provide me with a working example of how to pass an MSI option to the TCC-RT setup application?

Assuming that you want to install TCC-RT in the "c:\tcc-rt" directory (and not in "c:\pogram files"):

tcc-rt.exe /qn APPDIR=c:\tcc-rt
Mostly, I find the update process is too interactive (even with option /u). Is there a way to download e.g. tcmdx64.exe and run it silently? Preferably with some way to change some of the options (e.g. I don't want a desktop icon)

Some good news, some bad ..

Yes unattended installation of tcmd.exe is absolutely possible.

I figured it out some time ago and managed to create a silent install of tcmd.exe, with the possibility to set all the installation options: intsallation folder, Everything options, file associations, shortcuts, suppression of Welcome message (IE window), connection to Advanced Installer website and what have you. Worked fine.

So it is possible. The not so good news (for you): after playing with it, I deleted everything ... (I don't need it; it was just some fun)
And I'm not going to do this exercise again (the installer script is rather a mess; it took me well over an hour to figure out all the options)

Hopefully someone else can help you out.
winget could do this