Rex Conn wrote:
> ---Quote---
>> I would like to be able to use an asterisk in the password field of an
>> FTP.CFG entry so that I can use FTP aliases with my user name filled in
>> and
>> just be prompted for my password. For example, in FTP.CFG,
>> (jp) anonymous *
>> and then type something like
>> dir ftp://jp
>> and be prompted for the password. I've tried it and it works, except
>> that I
>> receive multiple password prompts. Can this be fixed, or am I doing
>> something that isn't supported?
> ---End Quote---
> It is supported, but I need a lot more information:
> Are you using IFTP?
> Is this an SSL or SSH server?
> What is the *exact* syntax you're using, and what is the *exact* output
> from
> TCC?
It's plain FTP and I am not using IFTP. (I tried it with IFTP and the
problem does NOT occur in that case.) Here's a real life example that shows
the problem:
[C:\test]ver /r
TCC 11.00.29 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
TCC Build 29 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
[C:\test]type "\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\FTP.CFG" (eaxp07) goldstein *
[C:\test]dir ftp://eaxp07/
Password: ( *********
Password: ( *********
Directory of ftp://eaxp07/
6/30/2009 10:51 2,046
2,046 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs
Note the two prompts for password. I am correctly only prompted once if I
do not use the FTP.INI and specify everything on the command line, i.e.,
dir ftp://goldstein:*
asks for the password only once as it should.
You will not be able to test with the machine I sowed in my example because
it is on a private network. However, you should be able to see the same
thing on any FTP server. As I said in my original message, I created the
FTP.CFG entry (jp) anonymous *
and when I did
dir ftp://jp/beta
I was asked to enter my password twice before seeing the directory listing.