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IsLicense50.dll failed to register

Take Command 13.04
Module G:\tc13\IsLicense50.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147024703. Contact your support personnel.
Abort Retry Ignore
Now my registration has expired! That is TCC doesn't work! How do I fix that quickly.

And I'm getting the UAC prompt when I try to start it.
I don't know how/why, but starting TCC v12, answering "Yes" to the (unexplained) UAC prompt, and closing it got TCC v13 working correctly again.
Google finds many 0x800700C1 issues. It could have to do with corrupted binaries or not properly registered DLLs.
I would try a "regsvr32 IsLicense50.dll" or re-install TCC. Or better wait for Rex' answer ;-)
Similarly on XP: updating to build 58 gave the dll registration failure message ... TCC13 came up unregistered ... trying to register it made it just disappear (unregistered) ... starting/exiting TCC12 fixed it all.
FWIW, Now, RegEdit shows the only registered IsLicense50.dll is the v12 one. That file is 800KB; the v13 one is 3MB (!!!) and appears to come from a different vendor.
You managed to download build 58 well before it was fully uploaded & announced. That will rarely lead to positive results ...

I can't reproduce any problem with registering IsLicense50.dll (and the 3mb file is the correct one, has been for the last several builds, and is from the same vendor). The registration (COM) is done by the Windows Installer, though you can also try a manual installation with "regsvr32 islicense50.dll".
You managed to download build 58 well before it was fully uploaded & announced. That will rarely lead to positive results ...

I can't reproduce any problem with registering IsLicense50.dll (and the 3mb file is the correct one, has been for the last several builds, and is from the same vendor). The registration (COM) is done by the Windows Installer, though you can also try a manual installation with "regsvr32 islicense50.dll".
If I try that from an elevated TCC I get:

The module "g:\tc13\IsLicense50.dll" may not compatible with the version of Windows that you're running. Check if the module is compatible with an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of regsvr32.exe.

OPTION /U should fail if continuing is inappropriate.
On XP I get:

"d:\TC13\IsLicense50.dll" is not an executable file and no registration
helper is registered for this file type.
Try it again with 13.04.59 (already uploaded).
Is anything other than IsLicense50.dll different in 59 from 58? On one system (WinXP SP3 home) I had NO issues; on my WinXP SP3 pro (I just copied the files of B58 over B57) I had license issue only the first time I started B58 and it was not fatal. I did have the issue with V12, too; closing both, no more issue with either. Do I need B59?

I downloaded the incomplete version 58 because a Check for Updates in the Take Command program showed an updated version was available. Since it showed an update was ready,
I assumed the website text wasn't updated to reflect the new executable yet. Yes I know what assume stands for :)

PS: I downloaded version 59 and it installed properly, so the problem is solved here.
Thank you

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