fpefpe Oct 363 2 2009-10-22 #1 Greetings -- I am new to the "tabing" in TC/10 -- is there a keyboard key to toggle between tabs in TC? Like Alt+Tab keys toggles between windows, is there a similar key(s) to do the same with tabs? Thanks Frank
Greetings -- I am new to the "tabing" in TC/10 -- is there a keyboard key to toggle between tabs in TC? Like Alt+Tab keys toggles between windows, is there a similar key(s) to do the same with tabs? Thanks Frank
dcantor May 608 4 2009-10-22 #2 fpefpe said: Greetings -- I am new to the "tabing" in TC/10 -- is there a keyboard key to toggle between tabs in TC? Like Alt+Tab keys toggles between windows, is there a similar key(s) to do the same with tabs? Thanks Frank Click to expand... Ctrl+Tab works for me.
fpefpe said: Greetings -- I am new to the "tabing" in TC/10 -- is there a keyboard key to toggle between tabs in TC? Like Alt+Tab keys toggles between windows, is there a similar key(s) to do the same with tabs? Thanks Frank Click to expand... Ctrl+Tab works for me.