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WAD Latest TCMD won't start.

I haven't started TCMD in a while, maybe a couple of updates. The recent one won't start here (even with no INI, START, or EXIT files). I get "TakeCommand has stopped working" (details below) and no GPF file. I tried XP-compatibility and it got a little further the first time (asking if it was OK to write to the registry) ... then it crashed similarly.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    tcmd.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    503ed28a
  Fault Module Name:    tcmd.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:    503ed28a
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    0040e3c8
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    6e20
  Additional Information 2:    6e202ab67437ef41a4dabce957adb59b
  Additional Information 3:    9176
  Additional Information 4:    917604371a90886e5d972d6afc943d5f
So I tried to do a (Programs and Features) repair of "Take Command 14.0". That resulted in two message boxes:
Windows cannot find 'C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0\updates\Update\tcmd.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
followed by a "Fatal Error" message box. I don't think that file ever existed.

Then I noticed that I don't even have an "AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.02.36" directory (thinking I should have one since that's the version I'm using). And I found an August 29 (build 36) TCMD.MSI in "AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.02.35".
I haven't started TCMD in a while, maybe a couple of updates. The recent one won't start here (even with no INI, START, or EXIT files). I get "TakeCommand has stopped working" (details below) and no GPF file. I tried XP-compatibility and it got a little further the first time (asking if it was OK to write to the registry) ... then it crashed similarly.

That address isn't inside TCMD.EXE. (At least not in the 32-bit version -- did you switch to Windows x64?)

You've either got something attaching itself to TCMD, or your Windows has gotten a bit wonky. Did you try deleting the TCMD registry entry (HKCU\Software\JP Software\Take Command 14.0)?
I'm still with Win7/32. Here it is again after deleting that registry key. FWIW, no TCCs were started. DUMPBIN shows the image base at 0x00400000 which would put that address in TCMD.EXE.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    tcmd.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    503ed28a
  Fault Module Name:    tcmd.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:    503ed28a
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    0040e3c8
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    6e20
  Additional Information 2:    6e202ab67437ef41a4dabce957adb59b
  Additional Information 3:    9176
  Additional Information 4:    917604371a90886e5d972d6afc943d5f
P.S. If that is really an offset (from 0x00400000), it's still in the image.
400000 image base (00400000 to 00836FFF)
I have no other indications of Windows being wonky!
When I run it in WinDbg, I get this (over and over, at least several tens of times).
0:000> g
(6ac.48c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=000000b6 ebx=00821f5e ecx=0000004b edx=10151b80 esi=0082f6f4 edi=0080b600
eip=0080e3c8 esp=01afe9fc ebp=01b5fee4 iopl=0        nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000            efl=00010202
0080e3c8 64ff32          push    dword ptr fs:[edx]  fs:003b:10151b80=????????
0:000> g
(6ac.48c): Access violation - code c0000005 (!!! second chance !!!)
eax=000000b6 ebx=00821f5e ecx=0000004b edx=10151b80 esi=0082f6f4 edi=0080b600
eip=0080e3c8 esp=01afe9fc ebp=01b5fee4 iopl=0        nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000            efl=00010202
0080e3c8 64ff32          push    dword ptr fs:[edx]  fs:003b:10151b80=????????
It starts fine for me, under both XP and 7; I don't think this is a bug. Suggest you completely uninstall Take Command and reboot before reinstalling.
It starts fine for me, under both XP and 7; I don't think this is a bug. Suggest you completely uninstall Take Command and reboot before reinstalling.
(Well, there goes my 104 days of uptime.) A reboot didn't help. But a subsequent uninstall/re-install did. TCMD starts now. It's too bad "Repair" didn't work!
No -- your offset is 0x40e3c8 *from* offset 0x400000 (i.e., 0x80e3c8), which is way outside the TCMD.EXE image.
According to DUMPBIN, the image extends to 0x836FFF. And 0x80e3c8 is less than 0x836FFF. And 0x80e3c8 is exactly where the VS debugger said the violation was. Hmmm! After the re-install, DUMPBIN says the image extends to 0x832FFF (that previous 0x836FFF was copied right from DUMPBIN's output!).
You insisted (repeatedly) that I disable the "Repair" capability, because you didn't want the .MSI files remaining on your system after installation.
Huh? I complained about **old** MSI files hanging around and never asked that "Repair" be disabled. And they're still hanging around anyway (new and old)!

v:\> ffind /a /s c:\tcmd.*
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 13.04 13.04.63\install\779AB05\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.00.28\install\D1A3D56\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.00.29\install\19C1FA4\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.00.30\install\68DC674\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.00.31\install\014E2B9\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.00.32\install\E512FBF\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.01.33\install\264BD79\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.02.35\install\CA5CBE7\tcmd.msi
C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0 14.02.36\install\070978E\tcmd.msi

When I say "remove old versions" they should go. Only the most recent one should stay. And "Repair" (as it is) doesn't look for an MSI file; it looks for an EXE.

Windows cannot find 'C:\Users\vefatica\AppData\Roaming\JP Software\Take Command 14.0\updates\Update\tcmd.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
And the installer does keep a tcmd.exe (only one, the latest one), right where you might expect it! But the "Repair" option doesn't look for that one (see my previous post).

c:\windows\installer\{f016b878-65a0-48e9-8a9d-eeb71070978e}> d
2012-09-16  21:31        <DIR>    .
2012-09-16  21:31        <DIR>    ..
2012-09-16  21:31        106,838  TakeCommand.exe
2012-09-16  21:31        106,838  tcmd.exe

Those two files are identical. Are they really both needed?
And the installer does keep a tcmd.exe (only one, the latest one), right where you might expect it! But the "Repair" option doesn't look for that one (see my previous post).

c:\windows\installer\{f016b878-65a0-48e9-8a9d-eeb71070978e}> d
2012-09-16  21:31        <DIR>    .
2012-09-16  21:31        <DIR>    ..
2012-09-16  21:31        106,838  TakeCommand.exe
2012-09-16  21:31        106,838  tcmd.exe

Those two files are identical. Are they really both needed?

I don't have anything to do with that; Windows Installer is creating & saving them for some unknown reason. Neither of them are a "real" tcmd.exe (or a real .EXE, for that matter). Judging by the other 6,589 files in my \windows\installer subdirectories, I suspect they're icon/shortcut files.