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Listing the paths of all directories of a given name

Many of my directories have subdirectories of a specific name, e.g., BACKUP.
It may be a brain freeze, but I could not find a combination of option
switches and command parameters for DIR, FFIND or PDIR to list just the
directories named BACKUP (with full pathname), and ignore their contents.
Suggestions welcome!
Many of my directories have subdirectories of a specific name, e.g., BACKUP.
It may be a brain freeze, but I could not find a combination of option
switches and command parameters for DIR, FFIND or PDIR to list just the
directories named BACKUP (with full pathname), and ignore their contents.

Perhaps something like:
dir c:\backup[] /a:d /s /b
(The brackets make it a wildspec, without introducing the possibility of matching anything else besides BACKUP.)
Steve Fábián wrote:

> Many of my directories have subdirectories of a specific name, e.g., BACKUP.
> It may be a brain freeze, but I could not find a combination of option
> switches and command parameters for DIR, FFIND or PDIR to list just the
> directories named BACKUP (with full pathname), and ignore their contents.
> Suggestions welcome!
I use this to find all temp directories on all drives:
ffind /msba:d /d%@strip[ :,%_hdrives] temp[]
Charles Dye wrote:
| ---Quote (Originally by Steve Fabian)---
|| Many of my directories have subdirectories of a specific name, e.g.,
|| BACKUP. It may be a brain freeze, but I could not find a combination of
|| option switches and command parameters for DIR, FFIND or PDIR to list
|| the directories named BACKUP (with full pathname), and ignore their
|| contents.
| ---End Quote---
| Perhaps something like:
| Code:
| ---------
| dir c:\backup[] /a:d /s /b
| ---------
| (The brackets make it a wildspec, without introducing the
| possibility of matching anything else besides BACKUP.)

Thanks, it works as hoped for. I just did not think of using wildcards to
force the parser to interpret the command parameter differently, when
wildcards are not needed to specify the directory name.
dbartt wrote:
| I use this to find all temp directories on all drives:
| ffind /msba:d /d%@strip[ :,%_hdrives] temp[]

Thanks, the idea is the same as in Charles' - the use of a fake wildcard to
alter parser behavior. The use of @strip is ingenious!