- Aug
- 2,241
- 105
:: Joe Caverly, 2011
:: Written using;
:: TCC 13.01.31 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
:: TCC Build 31 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
:: "The quick help has never had (and will never have) all the options in all
:: the commands. The only guaranteed, authoritative help is the html help."
:: From http://jpsoft.com/forums/support/3375-osd-error.html
:: Keeping this in mind, I have created a batch script called MAN.BTM, which
:: displays the Manual Page for a TCC command, variable, or function.
:: Since web help is now available, I can use the Links Text Browser to view
:: the Web Help Page for a command, variable, or function from TCC.
:: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_(web_browser)
:: Example usage to find help for a command;
:: man osd
:: Example usage to find help for a variable;
:: man _consoleb
:: Example usage to find help for a function;
:: man f_consoleb
:: To exit from the Manual Page, I just press q and then y
@echo off
:: Save the current buffer handle
set bookmark=%@consoleb[-1]
:: Create a new console screen buffer
echo %@consoleb[0] > nul
set ncsb=%_consoleb
:: Manual Page
c:\utils\links-0.98.exe "http://jpsoft.com/help/%1.htm"
:: Switch back to saved screen buffer
echo %@consoleb[%bookmark] > nul
:: Close the screen buffer used for man
echo %@fileclose[%ncsb] > nul