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How to? Name completion only of directories?

I am in a directory called for example "F:\Provider\Cisco\".
Inside it I have many files, all that start with "AnyConnect*", and also a directory called "anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-pre-deploy-k9", as You can see below there are many files.
Now, I want for example to see what is inside the directory.
I type "dir anyconnect" and then press TAB.
I have to press it many times, since it finds first all files, and only at the end it finds the directory.
Is there a way, for example with ctrl+alt+shift+tab, or an option, to expand names only for directories and not for files?
Right now I cannot find any.
I can use a workaround, for example I cd into the directory and then I type dir.
Or, I type "cd anyconnect" and then press TAB.
Since I have the option that for cd it completes only directories, I get immediately the directory and skip files.
Then, I go back on the command-line and change from cd to the command that I want to use.
But, I would like better a key combination to expand only directories.

Thank You and regards

Rodolfo Giovanninetti

Volume in drive F is unlabeled Serial number is 00bd:629b
Directory of F:\PROVIDER\cisco\*

03/09/2015 11:23 <DIR> .
03/09/2015 11:23 <DIR> ..
02/09/2015 15:42 <DIR> anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-pre-deploy-k9
02/09/2015 16:39 247.696 anyconnect-EnableFIPS-win-3.1.10010.exe
02/09/2015 16:39 10.240 anyconnect-EnableFIPS-win-3.1.10010.mst
02/09/2015 16:39 581.000 anyconnect-gina-win-3.1.10010-pre-deploy-k9-lang.zip
02/09/2015 16:39 581.003 anyconnect-gina-win-3.1.10010-web-deploy-k9-lang.zip
02/09/2015 16:39 85.426 anyconnect-linux-3.1.10010-EnableFIPS.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:38 12.122.817 anyconnect-linux-3.1.10010-k9.pkg
02/09/2015 16:38 7.232.810 anyconnect-linux-3.1.10010-vpnapi.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:38 82.983 anyconnect-linux-64-3.1.10010-EnableFIPS.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:38 12.718.496 anyconnect-linux-64-3.1.10010-k9.pkg
02/09/2015 16:38 7.531.051 anyconnect-linux-64-3.1.10010-vpnapi.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:37 79.863 anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.10010-EnableFIPS.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:37 9.573.720 anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.10010-k9.dmg
02/09/2015 16:37 12.722.977 anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.10010-k9.pkg
02/09/2015 16:37 6.463.026 anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.10010-vpnapi.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:37 9.051.855 anyconnect-predeploy-linux-3.1.10010-k9.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:37 9.605.229 anyconnect-predeploy-linux-64-3.1.10010-k9.tar.gz
02/09/2015 16:36 4.120.576 anyconnect-profileeditor-win-3.1.10010-k9.msi
20/06/2013 12:08 1.868.864 anyconnect-win-2.5.3046-web-deploy-k9.exe
02/09/2015 16:36 38.409.858 anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-k9.pkg
02/09/2015 16:35 585.681 anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-pre-deploy-k9-lang.zip
02/09/2015 16:35 23.244.800 anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-pre-deploy-k9.iso
02/09/2015 16:34 585.661 anyconnect-win-3.1.10010-web-deploy-k9-lang.zip
02/09/2015 16:34 75.264.810 anyconnect-win-vpnapi-3.1.10010.zip
02/09/2015 16:33 814.121 sampleTransforms-3.1.10010.zip
02/09/2015 16:33 47.130 thirdparty_3.1.10010_3eTI_Docs.zip
233.631.693 bytes in 25 files and 3 dirs 233.672.704 bytes allocated
3.262.488.576 bytes free
You could define an alias, for example DIRD, that runs the DIR command, but you could configure it the way you did CD to file-complete only directories.

-- Jay
Yes, what Jay said. Add DIRD to your FILECOMPLETION environment variable (e.g. set FILECOMPLETION=cd cdd rd dird:DIRS) or in your configuration file. And add a DIRD alias. Or if you are a lazy typist like me, name it DD instead of DIRD.

set FILECOMPLETION=cd cdd rd dd:DIRS
alias dd=dir

DIR<tab> will cycle through all the names
DD<tab> will only cycle through the directory names
Scott, I used DIRD in the example because, like you, I'm a lazy typist, which means that I already had an alias DD that does something that I need a lot more often that what was asked for here. And then, of course, there's the alias D, which is what I use for the DIR command with my favorite options.:smile: