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New to TCC and I need assistance

I have been using 4DOS and 4NT for many years. The shortcut command line that I have been using is C:\4nt\4nt.exe c:\load.bat where the load.bat file contains alias /r c:\4nt\alias.txt to load the alias file. This procedure functions with the new "4NT" as well as "TCC" but I can't get TCC to load the alias file when I click on the "TCMD.exe" file.

I've checked out the .ini file but can't find anything within to load the alias file. I've spent a few hours reading the help file to no avail.

Can anyone help me with what I need to add to whatever so that when I execute the TCMD Gui that it will load the alias file into the TCC?

Thanks in advance!
Try this: copy your 4start.bat to your tcmd folder as tstart.bat
these files by default are the first files that either of the two shells
look for first
you could add the commands of your load.bat into these files.
the file format for these two files is like any other AUTOEXECute.bat
See if that helps...

Still wanning form tcmd not sure I like the GUI, not sure if the above is of
anyuse either :( hmmmm

----- Original Message -----
From: "harvey" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:56 PM
Subject: [Support-t-229] New to TCC and I need assistance

:I have been using 4DOS and 4NT for many years. The shortcut command line
that I have been using is C:\4nt\4nt.exe c:\load.bat where the load.bat
file contains alias /r c:\4nt\alias.txt to load the alias file. This
procedure functions with the new "4NT" as well as "TCC" but I can't get TCC
to load the alias file when I click on the "TCMD.exe" file.
: I've checked out the .ini file but can't find anything within to load the
alias file. I've spent a few hours reading the help file to no avail.
: Can anyone help me with what I need to add to whatever so that when I
execute the TCMD Gui that it will load the alias file into the TCC?
: Thanks in advance!
I copied the load.bat file to 4start.bat within the folder that the programs are in and IT WORKS! :D

Thank you!!!!!
Typo .. TSTART.BAT should of been TCSTART.BAT

: Try this: copy your 4start.bat to your tcmd folder as tstart.bat
: these files by default are the first files that either of the two shells
: look for first
: you could add the commands of your load.bat into these files.
: the file format for these two files is like any other AUTOEXECute.bat
: See if that helps...
: Still wanning form tcmd not sure I like the GUI, not sure if the above is
: anyuse either :( hmmmm
: ----- Original Message -----
: From: "harvey" <>
: Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:56 PM
: Subject: [Support-t-229] New to TCC and I need assistance
::I have been using 4DOS and 4NT for many years. The shortcut command line
: that I have been using is C:\4nt\4nt.exe c:\load.bat where the load.bat
: file contains alias /r c:\4nt\alias.txt to load the alias file. This
: procedure functions with the new "4NT" as well as "TCC" but I can't get
: to load the alias file when I click on the "TCMD.exe" file.
:: I've checked out the .ini file but can't find anything within to load the
: alias file. I've spent a few hours reading the help file to no avail.
:: Can anyone help me with what I need to add to whatever so that when I
: execute the TCMD Gui that it will load the alias file into the TCC?
:: Thanks in advance!
OK, one problem solved! Thanks.

Next problem....

I have two additional shortcuts on my desktop; one is for the command prompt and the other is for the 4nt prompt. Before Take Command, whenever I clicked on either shortcut, the result was similar; the command window would open at the dos prompt. Since Take Command, I will still end up with the prompt when I click on the short cut for the command prompt .... but.... when I click on the 4nt shortcut or the TCC shortcut, the result is- a momentary blank screen, then the desktop returns and the 4nt or TCC program is on the taskbar and I must click on either of them to activate. I don't have this problem when I click on the TCMD shortcut or the Command Prompt, as they go directly to their programs properly.

What do I need to do in order to get 4nt or TCC to stay open upon first call from the shortcut?

Thanks for the support!
I have two additional shortcuts on my desktop; one is for the command prompt and the other is for the 4nt prompt. Before Take Command, whenever I clicked on either shortcut, the result was similar; the command window would open at the dos prompt. Since Take Command, I will still end up with the prompt when I click on the short cut for the command prompt .... but.... when I click on the 4nt shortcut or the TCC shortcut, the result is- a momentary blank screen, then the desktop returns and the 4nt or TCC program is on the taskbar and I must click on either of them to activate. I don't have this problem when I click on the TCMD shortcut or the Command Prompt, as they go directly to their programs properly.

What do I need to do in order to get 4nt or TCC to stay open upon first call from the shortcut?

Is the shortcut perhaps set to start full-screen?
Yes, the option is for full screen. If I change it to "Window", then it opens properly except it is not full screen. I can edit the size of the window to almost full screen, but it displays the window frame with the sliders. I would prefer full screen without the frame.
harvey wrote:
| Yes, the option is for full screen. If I change it to "Window", then
| it opens properly except it is not full screen.

Well, if you had read the "what's new" for v9, you would have discovered
that v9 does NOT support "full screen" mode, AFAIK because Vista doesn't.
The fstoggle.exe from Vince Fatica can be used to switch a TCC session into
full screen mode or back to windowed mode; I use it for running certain
programs intended for full-screen text-mode.
HTH, Steve
Thanks, Steve, for the information. As with any learning curve, I guess that I can adjust and become comfortable with the window screen, or having to re-click on the minimized shell.