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No Error Message when running mklink as limited user

Running the mklink command as a limited user does not produce an error message; rather it indicates that the link was successfully created. Mklink requires elevated administrator rights under Visa and Windows 7, so some sort of error should have been reported. The TCMD help file also does not mention that mklink requires elevated administrator rights under Vista and Windows 7.

This behavior was observed with TCMD v 11.0 build 49 (64-bit) running under Windows 7, 64-bit.
> Running the mklink command as a limited user does not produce an error
> message; rather it indicates that the link was successfully created.
> Mklink requires elevated administrator rights under Visa and Windows 7,
> so some sort of error should have been reported. The TCMD help file
> also does not mention that mklink requires elevated administrator
> rights under Vista and Windows 7.

It's a Windows API issue -- MKLINK is calling the Windows CreateSymbolicLink
API, and returning its result. Not much TCC can do if Windows is lying
about the outcome!

(BTW, the Microsoft documentation on CreateSymbolicLink says nothing about
it requiring admin rights.)

Rex Conn
JP Software
The help for @ipaddress has an example of echo %@ipaddress[] which doesn't seem
to work anymore.

The help for @ipname has an example of echo %@ipaddress[0]. Should be echo
I just tried this with TCC LE 11.00.48 on Windows 7 x64. Not running in elevated mode.

mklink /d reports that "A required privilege is not held by the client."
mklink /j works fine without elevation