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November plugins

Charles Dye

Super Moderator
Staff member
These are the plugins I've updated in the past month:

SafeChars Plugin 1.5.7
Minor tweak to @UQUOTES.

Say Plugin 1.0.7
Better handling of UTF-8 text files; now command-line text is processed by the same parser that handles text from files or standard input.

Minor tweak to /U; more Shakespeare.

HTags Plugin 0.60.3
Renamed @HEXENC and @HEXDEC to fix a collision with new functions in Take Command v13; added a means to specify characters which should not be encoded. Also, there's a spiffy new command to dump a two-dimensional array as an HTML table.

Sift Plugin 0.55.0
Support multiple directories and filespecs; use /T to select desired time stamp; other changes.
Could you present the report of the command below for ALL your plguin files?

*PDIR/T:WU/(dy-m-d th:m:s z r @verinfo[*] fn)
Could you present the report of the command below for ALL your plguin files?

*PDIR/T:WU/(dy-m-d th:m:s z r @verinfo
[*] fn)

Time stamps are local, not UTC, since I distribute these in .ZIP files.

2011-04-05 16:27:19 28160 B8F282A1 1.1.0 Chill.dll
2011-04-05 16:27:12 27136 C445B31E 1.1.0 Chill-x64.dll
2011-11-15 16:19:36 27648 C759FFC5 0.10.0 Counts.dll
2011-06-15 06:53:00 77312 13F8D3E5 0.20.0 FixNames.dll
2011-06-15 06:52:48 84480 49AFC6BC 0.20.0 FixNames-x64.dll
2011-11-14 16:20:18 58368 50878682 1.0.11 Fortune.dll
2011-11-14 16:20:11 44032 BFB43106 1.0.11 Fortune-x64.dll
2011-11-15 07:39:47 40960 71878D49 0.60.2 htags.dll
2011-11-15 07:39:41 40960 C00BA09E 0.60.2 htags-x64.dll
2011-01-07 15:15:12 27648 97FFE0BC 1.0.4 HTMLDump.dll
2011-01-07 15:15:05 27136 D21A44A9 1.0.4 HTMLDump-x64.dll
2011-06-30 07:15:15 51712 EEAD709B 1.2.3 iso8601.dll
2011-02-09 16:49:32 36352 985C3138 1.1.2 qcal.dll
2011-06-30 07:15:06 53760 F2BBECD2 1.2.3 iso8601-x64.dll
2011-02-09 16:49:35 37376 6A258889 1.1.2 qcal-x64.dll
2011-04-12 15:06:16 46080 B1ECD4A5 0.53.4 NumWords.dll
2011-04-12 15:06:09 45568 944EEBC6 0.53.4 NumWords-x64.dll
2009-03-26 14:00:22 60416 5D6330A0 pickdate.dll
2011-05-24 14:53:47 29696 62C3847F 0.10.0 Plugin.dll
2011-05-24 14:53:41 30208 EED0E294 0.10.0 Plugin-x64.dll
2011-10-10 15:50:16 38912 2AEF850C 1.0.3 PopInfo.dll
2011-10-10 15:50:08 38400 378DA071 1.0.3 PopInfo-x64.dll
2011-03-28 10:49:15 40960 0461AA49 0.60.3 PrinterStuff.dll
2011-03-28 10:49:07 41472 E6A9AE13 0.60.3 PrinterStuff-x64.dll
2011-10-27 13:00:25 62976 A8FDC946 0.52.0 RegTools.dll
2011-10-27 13:00:15 67072 E312B5F0 0.52.0 RegTools-x64.dll
2011-09-19 09:04:31 24576 3F463E77 0.91.0 Revisit.dll
2011-09-19 09:04:25 47104 29BA59E0 0.91.0 Revisit-x64.dll
2011-11-14 16:42:14 32256 A0AB26B9 1.5.7 SafeChars.dll
2011-11-14 16:42:08 32768 64D1FC4C 1.5.7 SafeChars-x64.dll
2011-11-28 07:21:21 34304 A2694FDA 1.0.7 Say.dll
2011-11-28 07:21:14 35328 1EC81379 1.0.7 Say-x64.dll
2011-11-08 09:23:48 37376 ED0A852F 0.55.0 Sift.dll
2011-11-04 13:26:22 38400 C12C4014 0.55.0 Sift-x64.dll
2011-02-22 07:59:17 35328 6C67D8C5 1.0.1 snapshot.dll
2011-02-22 07:59:11 35328 C3189176 1.0.1 snapshot-x64.dll