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odd TCMD.INI Error...

I have my old TCAlias.btm in the C: root, still unchanged from my old V11 TCmd.
Yet when I open Take command V29 using the desktop ICON I get the followiing errrors
Error on line 62 of C:\Users\bobkr\AppData\Local\JPSoft\TCMD.INI:
Invalid path or file name for "TCStartPath=C:\TCAlias.btm"
Press any key when ready...
I hit enter and then get the second error.
Error on line 71 of C:\Users\bobkr\AppData\Local\JPSoft\TCMD.INI:
Invalid path or file name for "4StartPath=C:\TCAlias.btm"
Press any key when ready...

Then after another enter & completion, I find that all my Alias's have properly been loaded anyway ?!?

Searching this FORUM, and searching the HELP, I don't find any mention of where TCmd
is expecting to find the TCAlias.btm file.

TCMD.INI does have on line 62 & line 71 the cmds shown exactly as in the error msgs
As the error msgs show, TCMD.ini is buried in my personal directory where other users may not
have access to it,
Oddly, it appears that V29 found, & copied the V11 Tcstart.btm to it's own subdirectory ?
TCStartPath and 4StartPath are paths. And the file should have the name TCSTART.xxx (or 4START.xxx). See the help's "TCSTART and TCEXIT". This works here.

v:\> grep -E "4Start|TCStart" %_ininame

v:\> dir /k /m  c:\*.btm
2023-03-12  17:28              10  4start.btm

So does this

v:\> grep -E "4Start|TCStart" %_ininame

v:\> dir /k /m  c:\*.btm
2023-03-12  17:28              10  tcstart.btm
TCStartPath and 4StartPath are paths, not file names. If you want to leave the file where it is, they should should have the value c:\ and the file should be named TCSTART.BTM.
i have done exactly as you describe, & I stll get that error at start up,


That may be a path, but my TCStart.BTM is in C:\ , The error msg says can't find it.
Are you sure you're editing the right file?

In fact, you don't need to edit the .INI file. Type OPTION at the command line, select the Startup tab, and the TCSTART/TCEXIT path will be the fourth item down in the left-hand column.
And if you ECHO %_ININAME you'll get the name of the INI file that TCC is using, which may not be the one you're editing.