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Office 2003 theme?

The Office 2003 theme looks pretty shabby in v16. It doesn't even have borders. It looks great in v15 with fading colors and all.

Actually it is an Office 2013 Theme.

I agree it is bland and needs some color, but does an program that is primary a command line program need themes? I would think Rex time should be spent elsewhere.
Actually it is an Office 2013 Theme.

I agree it is bland and needs some color, but does an program that is primary a command line program need themes? I would think Rex time should be spent elsewhere.
My mistake! The one shown in v16 is "Office 2013"; the one shown in v15 is "Office 2003".
But does it even benefit from the fancy graphic themes for the Plain Jane command lines?
I have no particular fondness for TCMD and prefer consoles. But many people like TCMD and I'm sure themes are important to them. It's time to get the bugs out, and that theme ... um ... looks broken.
The Office 2003 theme looks pretty shabby in v16. It doesn't even have borders. It looks great in v15 with fading colors and all.

That's "Office2013", not "Office2003". Take Command v16 doesn't have an Office 2003 theme.

You apparently haven't run Office 2013 -- that's what it looks like. Microsoft removed the colors and fancy graphics; they've apparently decided that users don't need borders & colors.