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Done Please add options for scrollback buffer searching

I don't use the Edit/Find... feature often but when I do it's painful that it lacks the ability to do at least case-insensitive searching. Could you please add some options for scrollback buffer searching? Case insensitivity would be the most important, I think, but I could also see how "whole word" or even "regex" would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
So it was for many years. However, Rex discovered that the software driving the feedback forum has many features very useful for evaluating the popularity of suggestions not available through newsgroup software, and switched to the new method (over the grumbling of oldtimers, such as me). New suggestions are formally accepted only from feedback.

Recommend you lock the Suggestion forum from new submissions, possibly - if XenForo supports it - with redirection (automatic or a message directing the user to do it manually). Renaming it (e.g., Old Suggestions) may also help.
I don't use the Edit/Find... feature often but when I do it's painful that it lacks the ability to do at least case-insensitive searching. Could you please add some options for scrollback buffer searching? Case insensitivity would be the most important, I think, but I could also see how "whole word" or even "regex" would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
My 4CONSOLE plugin provides CSBFIND which does a case-insensitive search. ftp://lucky.syr.edu
I'll look into including regex searches.
I don't use the Edit/Find... feature often but when I do it's painful that it lacks the ability to do at least case-insensitive searching. Could you please add some options for scrollback buffer searching? Case insensitivity would be the most important, I think, but I could also see how "whole word" or even "regex" would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

The Edit/Find feature already uses regular expressions (see the help).
The dialog I see in the help is exactly what I was hoping to see and was surprised I didn't already find. But it bears little relation to the dialog I get when I choose "Find..." from the "Edit" menu. What am I missing? Is there some way to toggle the "advanced" version of the dialog or something?
I'm looking at the Edit/Find dialog, which has almost none of the options shown in the help. Here's the image shown in the help:


In contrast, here's the image I see when I choose Edit / Find... in the TakeCommand software:


As you can see, they're very different.
Try again. I don't know why they weren't working before. But I converted them from PNG to JPG and put them in a different DropBox folder and suddenly they work. Go figure.
Interesting. I chose Help / Index from the TakeCommand window, typed "find" into the index, and chose the first entry in the help. Now I see at the top in a very small font that it's for the TCC / Commands / View command. Boy is that confusing.

After poking around, I find no help on the Edit / Find menu option. At least not under the text I would expect to use for searching ("Find"). I guess I don't know to what help the earlier poster referred.
Try the Contents tab: Take Command > Take Command Interface > Take Command Window > Menus > Edit. It says, "Find: Search the scrollback buffer of the current tab window using regular expressions." And, "regular expressions" is a link. The "earlier poster" was Rex; so, he should know.
After poking around, I find no help on the Edit / Find menu option. At least not under the text I would expect to use for searching ("Find"). I guess I don't know to what help the earlier poster referred.

Try HELP EDITMENU. The Find menu item gets one line of text, no screenshot -- but it does mention the use of regular expressions.

IMHO, radio buttons for case-sensitive, case-insensitive, and regexp searches would be a useful addition to the dialog. It'd also be nice if the dialog remembered the search string and settings from one invocation to the next. I don't believe any of this would pose any challenge to one of Rex's skills!
Try the Contents tab: Take Command > Take Command Interface > Take Command Window > Menus > Edit. It says, "Find: Search the scrollback buffer of the current tab window using regular expressions." And, "regular expressions" is a link. The "earlier poster" was Rex; so, he should know.

I didn't doubt for a minute that he knew. What I doubt is that most users would know to look for "Contents > Take Command > Take Command Interface > Take Command Window > Menus > Edit" instead of "Find". Thanks, now I see it.
I didn't doubt for a minute that he knew. What I doubt is that most users would know to look for "Contents > Take Command > Take Command Interface > Take Command Window > Menus > Edit" instead of "Find". Thanks, now I see it.
It would be convenient if you could get there (search the console screen buffer) via the right-click menu in a tab.
Personally I'd like Ctrl + F to work, which is used by most of my other applications, but right clicking on a tab would be good too.
Personally I'd like Ctrl + F to work, which is used by most of my other applications, but right clicking on a tab would be good too.

You can actually do that yourself. View / Toolbars/Menus / Customize..., then choose the Keyboard tab. Under Category choose Edit; under Commands choose Find; click in the "Press new shortcut key" box and press Control-F. Press Assign, then Close.
Nice! It's funny but I've been a user since the earliest days of 4DOS, and there's still a bazillion things I don't know--and more every year it seems.
You can actually do that yourself. View / Toolbars/Menus / Customize..., then choose the Keyboard tab. Under Category choose Edit; under Commands choose Find; click in the "Press new shortcut key" box and press Control-F. Press Assign, then Close.
You can also put "Find" (with a drop-down box) on the toolbar (or maybe it's there by default). I find that a bit clumsy to use ... you type test in the box and press enter ... it finds/highlights the first instance in the screen buffer and opens the "Find" dialog we've been talking about so you can "Find next" or "Cancel".
From the location of the EDIT/FIND feature in HELP, it seems the scrollback buffer search discussed in this thread is a feature of TCMD, not available for stand-alone TCC windows. Is this correct?
From the location of the EDIT/FIND feature in HELP, it seems the scrollback buffer search discussed in this thread is a feature of TCMD, not available for stand-alone TCC windows. Is this correct?
I fooled around with this in 4CONSOLE and have one that works about as well as it can. It suffers from the fact that the console screen buffer contains no newlines or NUL characters; every cell that appears blank contains a space (or perhaps character 160). That makes it impractical to search text that has wrapped. TCMD's "Find" doesn't wrapped text; it can't know if text in the console screen buffer had been wrapped.