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Please try to reproduce this

In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).

> In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C
> simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout
> debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console).
> Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the
> lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).

Tried it on three machines; works fine on all of them.

Did you try it without any plugins?

And are you sure you haven't selected the "Favorites" tab -- which will
usually display a blank window?

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 20:42:15 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C
|> simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout
|> debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console).
|> Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the
|> lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).
|---End Quote---
|Tried it on three machines; works fine on all of them.
|Did you try it without any plugins?


|And are you sure you haven't selected the "Favorites" tab -- which will
|usually display a blank window?

Yes (never go to Favs anyway).
- Vince
In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).

I get the help page for BDEBUGGER. (This in 11.00.49.)
In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).

Perhaps your hh.dat (where HTML Help stores its settings) is corrupted? Although I have no idea why your sequence to reproduce the problem would have any bearing on how the file is used. It should be in "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\HTML Help". Either rename it to save it just in case or just whack it and HTML Help will recreate it.
On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 22:17:45 -0400, TEA-Time <> wrote:

|---Quote (Originally by vefatica)---
|In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).
|---End Quote---
|Perhaps your hh.dat (where HTML Help stores its settings) is corrupted? Although I have no idea why your sequence to reproduce the problem would have any bearing on how the file is used. It should be in "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\HTML Help". Either rename it to save it just in case or just whack it and HTML Help will recreate it.

No luck! I removed it and the help opened in a never-used state ... but
right-hand pane was empty. I misspoke earlier when I said it was the left-hand
pane that was empty.
- Vince
In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).


When the error happens, after WinDbg has attached to an already running IDE.EXE, WinDbg's command window shows:

(123c.1238): Unknown exception - code 8001010d (first chance)
and WinDbg's memory window shows:

Unable to retrieve information, Win32 error 0n30: The system cannot read from the specified device.
> When the error happens, after WinDbg has attached to an already running
> IDE.EXE, WinDbg's command window shows:
> ---------
> (123c.1238): Unknown exception - code 8001010d (first chance)
> ---------
> and WinDbg's memory window shows:
> ---------
> Unable to retrieve information, Win32 error 0n30: The system cannot
> read from the specified device.
> ---------

That's meaningless, because the problem isn't in IDE.EXE, it's in Windows
Help. You're looking at the wrong app!

Rex Conn
JP Software
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:46:39 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> When the error happens, after WinDbg has attached to an already running
|> IDE.EXE, WinDbg's command window shows:
|> ---------
|> (123c.1238): Unknown exception - code 8001010d (first chance)
|> ---------
|> and WinDbg's memory window shows:
|> ---------
|> Unable to retrieve information, Win32 error 0n30: The system cannot
|> read from the specified device.
|> ---------
|---End Quote---
|That's meaningless, because the problem isn't in IDE.EXE, it's in Windows
|Help. You're looking at the wrong app!

Well, WinDbg didn't (couldn't) say where the fault happened. I presume it's in
a DLL that provides the help.
- Vince
Is it possible your help file is downloaded from the Internet (and "unblocked")?

If you do this:

C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11>*dir tcmd.chm /:

You should see just the tcmd.chm file:
 Volume in drive C is unlabeled      Serial number is 1337:babe
 Directory of  C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.chm

 4/05/2010   1:06       1.649.058  tcmd.chm
         1.649.058 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    1.650.688 bytes allocated
    81.776.701.440 bytes free

If your help file was just downloaded off the Internet, you should see the following:

 Volume in drive C is unlabeled      Serial number is 1337:babe
 Directory of  C:\Users\GSchizas\Downloads\tcmd.chm

19/06/2010  15:05       1.647.276  tcmd.chm
                               24    Zone.Identifier:$DATA
         1.647.300 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs    1.650.688 bytes allocated
    81.608.310.784 bytes free

If you see the latter, you need to "unblock" the chm file, either by deleting the Zone.Identifier stream (del tcmd.chm:Zone.Identifier) or by selecting the file on Windows Explorer, right click and select properties, and click on the "unblock" button.
> Well, WinDbg didn't (couldn't) say where the fault happened. I presume
> it's in a DLL that provides the help.

The Windows help is in an external exe.

Looking at first-chance exceptions isn't going to be useful -- they occur
constantly in TCC, and they're (almost) all WAD. It's only if the handling
of one of them fails & you get a second chance exception that there's a
potential problem.

Rex Conn
JP Software
TCC 11.00.50 Windows Vista [Version 6.0.6002]
TCC Build 50 Windows Vista Build 6002 Service Pack 2

My system behaves as it should.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 5:20 PM, vefatica <> wrote:

> In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat".
> In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the
> debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help"
> (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no
> amount of navigating will cjange that).
> Thanks.

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 08:40:57 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|The Windows help is in an external exe.

No EXE runs when TCC, IDE, or TCMD opens the help.
- Vince
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 11:30:06 -0400, vefatica <> wrote:

|No EXE runs when TCC, IDE, or TCMD opens the help.

If the help was already invoked by IDE before the first "Start without
debugging" then it will continue to work correctly.

I also noticed that if IDE invokes the help, and I maximize the help window, and
I invoke it again (presumably to bring it to the foreground (only)), it is also
restored to its original size.
- Vince
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 08:15:55 -0400, gschizas <> wrote:

|Is it possible your help file is downloaded from the Internet (and "unblocked")?

I only get all files via "update /u". My current help file (TCC 11.00.50) is:

d:\tc11> *dir /: *.chm

Volume in drive D is APPS Serial number is 004c:2a90
Directory of D:\TC11\*.chm

2010-06-18 08:30 1,649,006 tcmd.chm
1,649,006 bytes in 1 file and 0 dirs 1,650,688 bytes allocated
9,206,824,960 bytes free
- Vince
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 12:13:45 -0400, vefatica <> wrote:

|If the help was already invoked by IDE before the first "Start without
|debugging" then it will continue to work correctly.

When it's working correctly, Spy++ shows, below the "HHChild" window which is
the help's right-hand pane, a "ShellEmbedding" window, below that, a
"ShellDocObjectView" window, and below that an "Internet Explorer_Server"

When not working correctly, only the "HHChild" and "ShellEmbedding" windows
- Vince
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 12:13:45 -0400, vefatica <> wrote:

|If the help was already invoked by IDE before the first "Start without
|debugging" then it will continue to work correctly.

And, after a "Start without debugging", pressing the "New shell" button results

TCC.EXE - Application Error
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150004). Click on OK to
terminate the application.
- Vince
On Sat, 19 Jun 2010 08:40:57 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|The Windows help is in an external exe.

No EXE runs when TCC, IDE, or TCMD opens the help.
Using Process Explorer I see that it's mshtml.dll that is loaded by ide.exe rather than hh.exe.
Re: Please try to reproduce this (Got it!)

In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that)

In VariableExclude and DebugVariableExclude I have (by name) **every** variable a shell normally gets (including PATH and SYSTEMROOT). I just don't need to see them.

When I start IDE, these variables are in IDE's environment (checked with my @PSET[] plugin function). After a "start without debugging" these are no longer set in IDE's environment! Is IDE refreshing it's environment with only the **visible** variables? The *Exclude variables should not affect what's **actually** in anyone's environment ... only what I see ... right?.
In a stand-alone TCC v11 console window issue "BDEBUGGER /C simple.bat". In the debugger, type "echo foo". Select "Startwithout debugging" from the debug menu (should see "foo" in the console). Press the debugger's "Help" (?) icon. For me, he help opens but the lefthand page is blank (and no amount of navigating will cjange that).

On my system, Help works correctly.

TCC 11.00.50 Windows Vista [Version 6.0.6002]
TCC Build 50 Windows Vista Build 6002 Service Pack 2