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problem with @YENCODE

I want to see what @yencode is doing, but it doesn't work for me.
What am I doing wrong?
F:\Temp >ver /r

TCC  14.00.30 x64   Windows 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
TCC Build 30   Windows 7 Build 7601  Service Pack 1
Registered to ...
F:\Temp >echo %@hexENcode[s,Password]

F:\Temp >echo %@hexDEcode[s,50617373776f7264]

F:\Temp >echo %@yencode[s,50617373776f7264]
TCC: No closing quote
I want to see what @yencode is doing, but it doesn't work for me.
What am I doing wrong?

WAD -- what you're doing wrong is using ECHO to display the output.

@YENCODE is returning this result:

=ybegin line=128 size=16_Z`[a]a]aa`a\`^=yend size=16 crc32=aa2aedda

That is passed as an argument to ECHO, the parser sees that there is a mismatch on the number of backquotes in the line, and it displays the "no closing quote" error message.
WAD -- what you're doing wrong is using ECHO to display the output.

@YENCODE is returning this result:

=ybegin line=128 size=16_Z`[a]a]aa`a\`^=yend size=16 crc32=aa2aedda

That is passed as an argument to ECHO, the parser sees that there is a mismatch on the number of backquotes in the line, and it displays the "no closing quote" error message.
Ok, that's evident.
But what can I do with this function at all, if the result string is so unhandily?
The only method I can imagine is a "here redirection".
Ok, that's evident.
But what can I do with this function at all, if the result string is so unhandily?
The only method I can imagine is a "here redirection".

I can't imagine why you would ever want to use @YENCODE to echo something to the display. Normally you would write the output to a file; if you need to put it in a string/environment variable you would normally assign it and then use that variable directly. If you feel compelled to write dubious output to the display, use the SAFECHARS plugin.
I had the vision to obfuscate passwords with it (my colleague allways says "if you have visions, got to a doctor" :)) .
And I thought I can try back and forth like with @hex en/de code.
Never mind.
Example with the SAFECHARS plugin (below * stands for a safe-encoded character)
C:\temp>echo %@SAFEEXP[@yencode[s,50617373776f7264]]
=ybegin line=128 size=16
=yend size=16 crc32=aa2aedda
C:\temp>SAFEECHO %@SAFEEXP[@yencode[s,50617373776f7264]] >uuu
C:\temp>type uuu
=ybegin line=128 size=16
=yend size=16 crc32=aa2aedda