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Problems after installing V12

My V12 is starting up with two V11 TCC.EXE (due to the .INI file I had). I
tried starting a new tab (Alt-T / T) and got a GPF. When I tried regsvr32
islicense50.dll, I got an error.

The module "IsLicense50.dll" was loaded but the call
to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.

For more information about this problem, search
online using the error code as a search term.


TCC 12.00.32
EAX=07732000 EBX=07731FB0 ECX=0170000E EDX=00000001
ESI=07731FB0 EDI=01702C04 EBP=01702BCC ESP=01702BCC
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023

1 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0006cc31
2 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0004fdb6

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
My V12 is starting up with two V11 TCC.EXE (due to the .INI file I had). I tried starting a new tab (Alt-T / T) and got a GPF. When I tried regsvr32 islicense50.dll, I got an error.

The regsvr32 error is expected unless you run it from a console window started with "run as administrator".

TCC 12.00.32
EAX=07732000 EBX=07731FB0 ECX=0170000E EDX=00000001
ESI=07731FB0 EDI=01702C04 EBP=01702BCC ESP=01702BCC
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023

1 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0006cc31
2 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0004fdb6

Never seen anything like this (and the stack is useless, as it fails to indicate where, if anywhere) it was called in TCMD.

Is this reproducible for you? If so, please send me your TCMD.INI, as (since I cannot reproduce it and nobody else has reported it) it's apt to be a local configuration problem (or a locally bent Windows?).
Yes, it's repeatable. What email should I use for my INI file?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 20:27, rconn <> wrote:

> ---Quote (Originally by Jim Cook)---
> My V12 is starting up with two V11 TCC.EXE (due to the .INI file I had). I
> tried starting a new tab (Alt-T / T) and got a GPF. When I tried regsvr32
> islicense50.dll, I got an error.
> ---End Quote---
> The regsvr32 error is expected unless you run it from a console window
> started with "run as administrator".
> ---Quote---
> TCC 12.00.32
> Module=C:\Users\Cookie\AppData\Local\Cookie\Versions\TakeCommand\12\12.0.32\IsLicense50.dll
> Address=0769DC31
> Exception=C0000005
> EAX=07732000 EBX=07731FB0 ECX=0170000E EDX=00000001
> ESI=07731FB0 EDI=01702C04 EBP=01702BCC ESP=01702BCC
> CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023
> Flags=00010202
> Stack:
> 1 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0006cc31
> 2 : IsLicense50.dll 0001:0004fdb6
> ---End Quote---
> Never seen anything like this (and the stack is useless, as it fails to
> indicate where, if anywhere) it was called in TCMD.
> Is this reproducible for you? If so, please send me your TCMD.INI, as
> (since I cannot reproduce it and nobody else has reported it) it's apt to be
> a local configuration problem (or a locally bent Windows?).

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.