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Probloem wth TCMD V.11 after regitering V.12


I registered both versions of V12 successfully, but now my V11, both 32bit and 64bit, complain that the test period is over. They can't be reanimated using either the old or the new key.

How can I fix this?

herzliche Grüße,

Klaus Meinhard
Looks like I'm not the only one who had this problem.

I reran the installation pgm for v11 and allowed it to do a repair=20
install. That fixed the problem. Others have posted that there is a=20
manual command you can give to reregister the IsLicense40.dll, but since=20
the repair install worked I didn't try the manual method.

On 10/28/2010 03:19 AM, K_Meinhard wrote:

> Hi,
> I registered both versions of V12 successfully, but now my V11, both 32bit and 64bit, complain that the test period is over. They can't be reanimated using either the old or the new key.
> How can I fix this?
> herzliche Gr=FC=DFe,
> Klaus Meinhard
I registered both versions of V12 successfully, but now my V11, both 32bit and 64bit, complain that the test period is over. They can't be reanimated using either the old or the new key.

regsvr32 islicense40.dll

(This is usually due to a beta v12 expiring and then being removed. Release v12 installations & updates do not affect v11.)