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SignUp Now!v:\> set prompt2
v:\> echo foo &^
[quote]> echo bar
v:\> (echo foo
More? echo bar
More? )
v:\> do i=1 to 2 (
More? echo foo )
> |I can't get PROMPT2 to work.
> It only works in some situations.
It doesn't say that it is only used when escape is the last character. It says...As the help says, PROMPT2 is only used when the last character on the line
is an escape character. Your unclosed command groups do not have a trailing
escape character.
... and then gives an example of the the last character being the escape...PROMPT2 defines the prompt used for line continuations
(i.e., when the last character on a line is an escape character. The default is "More? ".
It doesn't say that it is only used when escape is the last character. It says...
... and then gives an example of the the last character being the escape...
...make the behavior consistent[.]
> In effect the two (escaped newline and unresolved parens) are the
> same ... command input continues on a sebsequent line with a
> different prompt to remind the user of what's going on. Would it be
> difficult to make the behavior consistent?
{Start GrammarNazi mode}To be fair, I.E. means "in other words."
Being anally retentive, Charles is perfectly correct....
;)thanks. I think
It may appear the same to you, but to the parser they're about as similar as
a fish and a banana.
I'll look at it again, but it is not trivial.