- Aug
- 2,039
- 82
This is a batch file to query Comma Separated Value Files, using the plugin available from http://sites.google.com/site/jlcprogrammingstuff/home/tcc/csv-plugin
An environment variable, containing comma separated values, can be parsed using the @csvParse function.
An environment variable, containing comma separated values, can be parsed using the @csvParse function.
:: Open a Comma Separated Value file, |
:: and display values from records, using the CSV Plugin |
:: Joe Caverly |
:: January 2011 |
:: |
:: USAGE: cvstest csvfile RecordNumber FieldNumber |
:: |
:: EXAMPLE: csvtest.btm csvfile.csv 1 6 |
:: |
:: Note that record 0 is the record to contain the field names |
:: Uncomment the following lines to create a CSV File
::echo Company,Address,City,State,Zip,Country > csvFile.csv
::echo JP Software,P.O. Box 328,Chestertown,MD,21620,USA >> csvFile.csv
::echo PowerBASIC Inc.,2061 Englewood Road,Englewood,FL,34223,USA >> csvFile.csv
@echo off
:: Load the CSV Plugin |
if not plugin csv plugin /l csv
:: Designate a file to use for this batch |
if not exist %1 goto nofile
set csvName=%1
:: Display Structure |
echo Structure for CSVFile: %csvName
echo Number of CSV records: %@csvRecordCount[%csvName]
echo Field Field Name
do FieldNumber=1 to %@csvFieldCount[%csvName]
screen %_row 0 %@format[5,%FieldNumber]
:: Field Name |
screen %_row 7 %@csvGetField[%csvName,0,%FieldNumber]
:: Record Number to get |
set ValidInput=N
if %2 le %@csvRecordCount[%csvName] set ValidInput=Y
if %2 gt 0 set ValidInput=Y
if %ValidInput eq N set Record2Get=1
if %ValidInput eq Y set Record2Get=%2
if %Record2Get gt %@csvRecordCount[%csvName] goto ROOR
echo Record Number: %Record2Get
:: Display the record |
echo %@line[%csvName,%Record2Get]
:: Field Number to get |
set ValidInput=N
if %3 le %@csvFieldCount[%csvName] set ValidInput=Y
if %3 gt 0 set ValidInput=Y
if %ValidInput eq N set Field2Get=1
if %ValidInput eq Y set Field2Get=%3
if %Field2Get gt %@csvFieldCount[%csvName] goto FOOR
:: Display a field |
echos Field %Field2Get is` `
echo %@csvGetField[%csvName,%Record2Get,%Field2Get]
:: Parse a CSV environment variable |
echo` `
echo Parse a CSV Environment String
set theCSVString=JP Software,P.O. Box 328,Chestertown,MD,21620,USA
echo %theCSVString
echo Field 2 is %@csvParse[%theCSVString,2]
goto eoj
:: Problem opening the database |
echo Database is in use, or another error occured opening the database.
goto eoj
:: File does not exist |
echo File does not exist.
echo USAGE: dbstruct x:\data\mycsv.csv
goto eoj
:: Field Out Of Range |
echo Field Out Of Range (Max. %@csvFieldCount[%csvName])
goto eoj
:: Record Out Of Range |
echo Record Out Of Range (Max. %@csvRecordCount[%csvName])
:: End Of Job |
if plugin csv plugin /u csv