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WAD Recycle command

Using version 21.00.34 x64
RECYCLE command in batch or screen with /D /E /Q does not empty the bin
/D with either /E or /Q alone also does not work
Works perfectly with /D on it's own but would like to hide output from a batch script.
Recycle on it's own works as expected (lists each drives recycle bin)

I have no alias setup for recycle

Question is:
Based on the help screen I gather I should be able to use /E /Q switches in batch but is this correct or is there an issue with RECYCLE
It seems OK here. I also tried "/d /e" and "/d /q"; they both worked also.
h:\temp> echo foo > junker.txt

h:\temp> del /r junker.txt
Deleting H:\temp\junker.txt
     1 file sent to the Recycle Bin

h:\temp> recycle h:\
h:\ :            5 bytes in     1 file

h:\temp> recycle /d /e /q h:\

h:\temp> recycle h:\
h:\ :            0 bytes in     0 files
Did some more testing and works if I do /D/E/Q rather than /D /E /Q so modified scripts to take out spaces and all good again.
Further to above - if I add the drive to clear it works with the spaces if I just do "recycle /d /e /q" to clear all drives it doesn't work for me but "recycle /d/e/q" clears all my 4 disks - got it going so no issue
Further to above - if I add the drive to clear it works with the spaces if I just do "recycle /d /e /q" to clear all drives it doesn't work for me but "recycle /d/e/q" clears all my 4 disks - got it going so no issue
That's odd and I think there's some unintended behavior there. It's confirmed below. Notice that several empty lines are are printed when "/d/e/q" is used.
Well I can reproduce on 2 laptops and 1 desktop. Reverted one to V20.11.46 and same issue.
Unixpaths not set on any machine.
I agree the /d/e/q is untidy and have modified the scripts to add 4 lines (one for each disk) using the Drive Letter which works but not a "clean" result as I want a script I don't need to remember to maintain if I add/delete disks
I even pulled 3 of my SSD's out and tested with just a C: - same result.
Running as admin makes no difference (shouldn't make any difference as users can empty their own bins)
If cannot be reproduced then I have an odd setting on all my machines which were all clean installs since v17, I copy my TCStart (loads aliases) and Alias file between versions but all standard apart from that. Will keep playing but have a work around.

My testing is below:
dir /b > c:\temp\testing.txt
del c:\temp\testing.txt /r
Deleting C:\temp\testing.txt
1 file sent to the Recycle Bin
C:\ : 172 bytes in 1 file
recycle /D /E /Q
C:\ : 172 bytes in 1 file
recycle /D /E /Q C:

C:\ : 0 bytes in 0 files

Reproduced here also. The difference today is that the drive is not the current drive.
Just updated to 21.00.36 and placed 1 item from C:, D:, E:, M:, Y: and Z: in bin (all local drives)
issued "recycle /D /E /Q" and worked exactly as I expected rolled back to 21.00.34 and issue is there again.
Back to 21.00.36 and all good so not sure what changed but looks like it is working as it should now.
Built 2 new VM's for testing - one with 21.00.34 which still had the issue, once updated to 21.00.36 all fine
The 2nd went stright to 21.00.36 and worked fine first time so must be something in SDK or RTL update????

Both VM's were created with C:, D: and E: to test the current/not current disk theory but worked perfectly regardless of disks selected
Both win with 10 pro and latest sp applied
