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regset[] in TC v8

I am trying to set the two items mentioned below:

from http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/windowsxp/articles/88/1/How-To-clear-the-Past-Items-or-Icons-list-in-the-TaskBar

1.Open Regedit Navigate to:

2.Delete the IconStreams and PastIconsStream values

Those are REG_BINARY types and regset doesn't list that type. Any ideas?

from the .CHM file:

"@REGSET[HKEY...\subkey\value,type,data]: Write a value to the registry. REGSET supports keys of type REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, and REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN. Type is the value type (REG_DWORD, REG_EXPAND_SZ, or REG_SZ). Data is the data to set. If this parameter is not supplied, @REGSET will remove the value. REGSET returns 0 if the value was written or the Windows error number if an error occurred.

Note: Remember to use quotes around any entry containing spaces or commas!

See @REGCREATE for information on the format of the key name. See also: @REGQUERY (read a value) and @REGSETENV (write and broadcast a value).

Topic "f_regset.htm" last edited 9/28/2006. ©1993-2007 JP Software, Inc.
Keywords: @REGSET,Registry,Registry Set "

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