Roedy wrote:
| ---Quote (Originally by Roedy)---
| global rename /E all.bat all.btm
| ---End Quote---
| I figured out the secret. I needed:
| global */I *rename /E all.bat all.btm
I presume you meant
*global /I *rename /E all.bat all.btm
In other words, GLOBAL and/or RENAME on your system are aliases, and you
needed the original commands! I think you learned a valuable lesson or two
(which I need to remember time to time myself) - when something does not
operate as expected, check for aliases. Do not create an alias name that is
the same as an internal command name. I very rarely do; DEL, MD and REN are
the exceptions - I can always use ERASE, MKDIR and RENAME to get the
original commands through their alternate names. For example, I use SWEEP as
the basis of aliases based on the GLOBAL command.
BTW, this thread really belongs to the TC Support forum. You ran into a
problem trying to do something reasonably expected to be possible - that's
just right in Support. Almost everyone who watches any of the TC fora
watches Support, while only a few watch any of the TIPS.