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Rex: appdata\Jp Software\...

Hi Rex,

Is there a reason as to why the subject'ed folder keeps groing with each version/build installed? Is it maybe for rollbacks ?

Guess to anyone who is space conscious - couldn't they remove all JPsoftware products, including those in the appdata\Jp Software\ folder, run a registry cleaner, then reinstall the latest version / or builds?

The Windows Installer puts the msi scripts there so it can do repairs and uninstalls. If you don't plan to do either, you can delete those files.
On Win7/32, the last one to leave stuff in %APPDATA was build 22 ... nothing was left anywhere by builds 23 - 31 (AFAICT) ... and they started accumulating in %TEMP at build 32 (to the current build). I deleted from %TEMP everything related to JPSoft (builds 32 - 40) and could still uninstall build 40 (I suppose because of something left in %SYSTEMROOT\Installer). After that experiment, I DL'd the distribution and re-installed; the JPSoftware tree with all the usual stuff was re-created in %TEMP.