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How to? RT execution stuck on same file

Hello. This script when run from the IDE runs properly and goes through all the files on the ftp server. When I run this via the RT on my server, the same file is restarted once it gets to the end of the file to re-download. I am not sure why this occurs via the RT and works as expected with the Take Command IDE/Debugger?

The code below uses my desktop folder where the real server uses a folder under the documents folder structure.


FTP Process.png
What is the "find" command in your :checkval?
If I do a which on it, I get...
11:25:34 $ which find
find is an external : C:\cygwin64\bin\find.exe
Could you mean "ffind"?
Heh... I must have my Cygwin before my system dir in my path.
As soon as the file finishes, it restarts. The difference is on my workstations it shows 1 file copied and moves to the next file, on the server it restarts and it does not show the 1 file copied message.

This test btm creates an infinite copy loop on my server. Downloads and restarts.

I think you should be using %1 instead of %a in your :checkval and :notfound

Still tinkering.
Could you be more specific about "the file" and "it restarts"? Do you mean it keeps processing the same file over and over?
Here's how I would process the files:
iftp ftp://xxx
dir /b /a:-d ftp: > foo1.txt
tpipe /inputfile=process.txt /merge=2,foo1.txt /output=foo.txt
do f in @foo.txt
  copy ftp:%f ...
copy process.txt + foo.txt process.txt
iftp /c
I translated it just a bit. And I get exactly the same output from TCC v20, IDE, and TCC-RT. That output appears far below.

Three comments.

Do you really want it to process ".." and subdirectories?
I'd recommend DO instead of FOR.
I'd recommend GOSUB/RETURN instead of CALL/GOTO :EOF.

@echo off
for /f %a in ( 'dir ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/* /1 /F') do (call :checkval "%a")
goto :eof

   find "%a" v:\process.txt
   if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto :notfound
   echo found - skipping
   goto :eof
   echo not found - process file
       (echo %a >> v:\process.txt & copy %a v:\)
       goto :eof

File not found - V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/./4autotray.zip => V:\4autotray.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/./4console.zip => V:\4console.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/./4utils.zip => V:\4utils.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/./ev.zip => V:\ev.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/./sysutils.zip => V:\sysutils.zip
     5 files copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../arnex4.JPG => V:\arnex4.JPG
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../DynamicSetEnvVar.zip => V:\DynamicSetEnvVar.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../DynamicSetEnvVar64.zip => V:\DynamicSetEnvVar64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../ipv4.zip => V:\ipv4.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../lucky.crt => V:\lucky.crt
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../MercOnSvcDesk.png => V:\MercOnSvcDesk.png
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../pset.zip => V:\pset.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/../Thumbs.db => V:\Thumbs.db
     8 files copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/4autotray64.zip => V:\4autotray64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/4console64.zip => V:\4console64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/4utils64.zip => V:\4utils64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/ev64.zip => V:\ev64.zip
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/X64/sysutils64.zip => V:\sysutils64.zip
     5 files copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4autotray.zip => V:\4autotray.zip
     1 file copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4console.zip => V:\4console.zip
     1 file copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/4utils.zip => V:\4utils.zip
     1 file copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/ev.zip => V:\ev.zip
     1 file copied

---------- V:\PROCESS.TXT
not found - process file
ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/sysutils.zip => V:\sysutils.zip
     1 file copied
If you used Cygwin, you could just
lftp -c "open ftp://ftp.theftpsite.com && cd theremotepath && mirror"
But I'm still checking it out in the BTM file.
Could you be more specific about "the file" and "it restarts"? Do you mean it keeps processing the same file over and over?
Here's how I would process the files:
iftp ftp://xxx
dir /b /a:-d ftp: > foo1.txt
tpipe /inputfile=process.txt /merge=2,foo1.txt /output=foo.txt
do f in @foo.txt
  copy ftp:%f ...
copy process.txt + foo.txt process.txt
iftp /c

Yes, the copy of the file restarts, once it reaches the end, almost like it cannot close the file. If I press Ctrl-C and I answer Y to cancel, it will then move to the next file.

Whoops. I got that backwards. The TPIPE command should be:
tpipe /inputfile=foo1.txt /merge=2,process.txt /output=foo.txt
Third time's the charm
iftp ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins
dir /b /a:-d ftp: > foo1.txt
tpipe /input=foo1.txt /merge=2,process.txt /output=foo.txt
do f in @foo.txt
  copy ftp:%f .
type foo.txt >> process.txt
iftp /c
Here's a rewrite using (more or less) the original strategy.
do a in ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/*
   iff %@exec[find "%a" v:\process.txt > NUL] == 1 then
       echo not found - process file
       echo %a >> v:\process.txt
       copy "%a" v:\
       echo found - skipping
I did find while testing that there were a lot of extra double quotes floating around, but now, this works for me and it's basically what you started with...
for /f %a in ('dir ftp://ftpsite/* /1 /F') do (call :checkval %a)
goto :eof

    \windows\system32\find "%1" c:\temp\process.txt
    if %errorlevel equ 1 goto :notfound
    echo found %1 - skipping
    goto :eof

    echo notfound - process file
    (echo %1 >> c:\temp\process.txt & copy %1 .)
    goto :eof

Edit: As a side note, I discovered we have several very large files parked on our FTP server. :)
Edit: As an afterthought, the extra double quotes may have come from switching from the %a to the %1
Get rid of FIND.EXE (and avoid TPIPE) like this.
do a in ftp://lucky.syr.edu/4plugins/*
   iff "%@execstr[ffind /k /m /t"%a" v:\process.txt]" == "" then
       echo not found - process file
       echo %a >> v:\process.txt
       copy "%a" v:\
       echo found - skipping
Hello. This script when run from the IDE runs properly and goes through all the files on the ftp server. When I run this via the RT on my server, the same file is restarted once it gets to the end of the file to re-download. I am not sure why this occurs via the RT and works as expected with the Take Command IDE/Debugger?

This is usually due to the way Windows and the FOR command operates - it iterates through the directory, and if files are updated / added / moved then FOR can return the same file more than once. It's safer to use a file list (@file).