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Sample 4START
This 4START file demonstrates setting a colorful prompt using ANSI escape sequences and conditionally restoring the previous environment. It will also rebuild the JPSTREE.IDX file if this is the first time 4NT has been launched today.
Sample 4EXIT
To work around some tricky issues with closing, I aliased my EXIT command.
I chose not to use the 4EXIT.btm file directly. So, if a process is closed by clicking on the close button or by Windows shutting down, nothing extra gets done. If I type EXIT from a 4NT prompt however, I can choose whether or not to save my current environment.
Additional Information
See the article on saving and restoring the environment for additional info: Save restore
Sample 4START
This 4START file demonstrates setting a colorful prompt using ANSI escape sequences and conditionally restoring the previous environment. It will also rebuild the JPSTREE.IDX file if this is the first time 4NT has been launched today.
if %_pipe != 0 .or. %_transient != 0 quit
alias /r c:\jpsoft\aliases
color bri yellow on black
iff "%@filedate[c:\jpstree.idx]" != "%_date" then
echo Indexing C: in the background.
start /min /low /c cdd /u c:\
set s=Y
inkey /c /k"YN[Enter]" /w10 /x Restore Previous Environment? (Yn) %%s
iff "%s" eq "Y" .OR. "%s" eq "@28" then
for %%s in (@c:\JPSOFT\drives.dat) do cdd %%s
set /r c:\JPSOFT\env.dat
dirhistory /r c:\JPSOFT\dirhist.dat
history /r c:\jpsoft\history.dat
set TREEEXCLUDE=d:\;e:\;f:\;g:\;h:\;I:\;J:\;K:\;L:\;M:\;N:\;O:\;P:\;Q:\;R:\;S:\;T:\;U:\;V:\;W:\;X:\;Y:\;Z:\;\\*\*
::Make the title bar show the version and build number
set TITLEPROMPT=%_cmdproc %_4ver (%_BUILD) in %%_cwd
title %_cmdproc %_4ver (%_BUILD)
rem prompt=`%@exec[@color 15 on %@if[%@remote[%_disk] eq 0,2,4]%+echos [%_cwd%]%+color 14 on 0]$s`
prompt=`%=e[37;%@if[%@remote[%_disk] eq 0,42,41];1m[$P]%=e[33;40;1m$s`
unset s
Sample 4EXIT
To work around some tricky issues with closing, I aliased my EXIT command.
alias EXIT=c:\jpsoft\_4EXIT.btm
I chose not to use the 4EXIT.btm file directly. So, if a process is closed by clicking on the close button or by Windows shutting down, nothing extra gets done. If I type EXIT from a 4NT prompt however, I can choose whether or not to save my current environment.
if %_transient != 0 quit
msgbox yesno "Save" Save Drive and Environment Settings?
if %_? != 10 *exit
cdd /a > c:\jpsoft\drives.dat
cd >> c:\jpsoft\drives.dat
set > c:\jpsoft\env.dat
dirhistory > c:\jpsoft\dirhist.dat
history > c:\jpsoft\history.dat
Additional Information
See the article on saving and restoring the environment for additional info: Save restore