Is there something you can do to a *.btm file or a shortcut file so that it gets is own private task bar icon, different from the usual one for a running *.btm file?
If so, is there anything you can insert in a *.btm file to indicate progress on that icon?
Is there something you can do to a *.btm file or a shortcut file so that it gets is own private task bar icon, different from the usual one for a running *.btm file?
If so, is there anything you can insert in a *.btm file to indicate progress on that icon?
The idea of a plugin command to create/destroy task bar icons at will is intriguing and wouldn't be very hard. But it raises many questions ... what icon? ... should it have a menu? ... what should be on that menu? A small collection of appropriate icons would be a good start (and I'm no artist).
Is there something you can do to a *.btm file or a shortcut file so that it gets is own private task bar icon, different from the usual one for a running *.btm file?
Along the same lines, is there something you can insert into a BTM file to to stop a background batch form crashing through to the foreground like some insolent child interrupting a board meeting? and then giving the privilege back when it might have something truly important to say?
The idea of a plugin command to create/destroy task bar icons at will is intriguing and wouldn't be very hard. But it raises many questions ... what icon? ... should it have a menu? ... what should be on that menu? A small collection of appropriate icons would be a good start (and I'm no artist).
It might just take the usual icon and reserve the lower 1/8 or so of it for a simple growing green horizonal bar. right side transparent.
You might invoke it as :
progress 10
meaning 10% of the job is complete.
progress x.ico
To change the icon to x.ico which might just be as simple as coloured red green or yellow blob.
That way you could keep tabs on a task without having to bring it to the foreground.
I read that Windows 8 has some tile feature to handle this problem. I have not seen it yet. This would make it accessible to Windows 7 users, and without a fancy program API,
just a few btm commands. IT might be implement in Win 8 with the new tile feature.
I wrote a little plugin, 4TRAY.DLL/4TRAY64.DLL, which exports one command.
TRAYICON N tip | /K(ill) [N] | /M(odify) N tip
The icon is the TCC icon shown in the console. "N" is a non-negative integer identifier. "Tip" is the tooltip that will show when you mouse-hover (<64 characters). A left click will (should, you know Windows) bring the TCC instance to the foreground, restoring it if necessary. A right click (up) will kill the tray icon.
It has been tested only on Win7/32 and works OK. I'd be glad to hear comments and suggestions. Get it here:
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