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Should it be this slow?

I've been using some pretty long command lines lately and I've noticed a behavior that's annoying and surprising.

I type a 300-character command line ... <Home> to the beginning ... press and hold <Delete> ... characters are deleted at a rate less than 2 per second!

And, if, after 15 characters have been deleted, I release the <Delete> key, there are enough <Delete>s in the input queue to delete the remaining 285 characters.

If that slowness is outrageous, what might be wrong here? And can anything be done about the build-up of characters in the input queue?
Not reproducible here (either the slowness or extra characters getting stacked up in the queue).

You've reported this before - is this something newly (re)occurring in v21? Did you try it w/o TCMD.INI?
It's considerably faster without TCMD.INI and the build-up of ketstrokes doesn't happen. What would be in TCMD.INI that would affect that?
I had several "NormalKey"s in there. Removing them didn't help.
And I just tried a few more times with /ii... this time, no improvement.
It's reasonable here, on my rather slow work computer. Do you have any keystroke plugins loaded?
My original report was with 8 other TCCs running (2 in their own consoles, sitting in BTMs after having started WINDUMP, and 6 in pipes, generally doing nothing). I don't know why those might affect it, but it gets a little better without them.

With only one TCC, no INI file, no TCSTART, and no plugins, I get this:

ECHO %@REPEAT[x,339] > clip: ... paste clip: on the command line (about 3 112-character lines) ... <Home> ... press and hold <Delete> ... it takes about 11 seconds for one line (112 characters) to be deleted ... at that moment I release <Delete> ... all the remaining characters are deleted.

The sizes of the console screen buffer, font, and window don't matter. My KB repeat rate is 30 cps, the max.
One odd thing ... even without the INI file (/ii) I still get ANSI colors ... ??? (And I use input colors.)
OK, ANSI was coming from AutoRun which defaults to "Yes" (IMHO, it shouldn't) with no INI file. So I got rid of ANSI and repeated my last test (no INI, no TCSTART, no plugins) with the same results.
Not reproducible here (either the slowness or extra characters getting stacked up in the queue).

You've reported this before - is this something newly (re)occurring in v21? Did you try it w/o TCMD.INI?
It really seems like DEL keystrokes accumulate and are processed long after the key is released (even without an INI file). I can defeat that with a keyhandler plugin. With this in place, deleting stops as soon as the key is released.
    switch ( lpki->nKey )
       case DEL : // DEL = (83+FBIT) = 65619
           if (!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DELETE) & (1<<16)))
               lpki->nKey = 0;
               break; // and return 0
Never mind. I found that if I push it enough, nearly all keystrokes accumulate.
Do keep in mind that using clipboard can be slow for unrelated reasons. Various "helpful" programs trying to monitor for clipboard changes incur the penalty, sometimes severe.