Sorry for such a looooooooong delayed report - I tested /nj, date, size, attribute, and exclusion range; everything works as on internal commands. I had come back to the thread to ask for the /nj feature, but it is already working. A few more possible enhancements:
1/ option to use an invisible array (one not reported by SETARRAY) simplifying the cimmand line (array need not survive command)
2/ a variable for default options similar to VARIABLEEXCLUDE (aliases are a viable option negating this)
3/ quiet mode - nothing to screen (if conflicting /v is also specified, last one wins)
4/ for /V mode choice of what is displayed
- header
- footer
- which column(s)
5/ summary variables in the style %_sift_XXX:
number of files reported (relevant if less than requested)
number of files and directories scanned
limit parameter value, i.e., the size of the largest or smallest file when /L or /S are used, etc.
(alternately all 4 values: smallest size, largest size, oldest timestamp, newest timestamp)
The limit is very useful if one cares only for one or more of these. I use it often in FTP transfers to avoid repeated downloading.
Thanks for the very useful work!