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Start TCMD minimized

  • Thread starter Thread starter ron
  • Start date Start date
Is this possible? I want it to load when I boot but don't want to have to minimize it.

start "" /MIN "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD\tcmd.exe" does not work.
On Sat, 20 Aug 2011 20:47:46 -0400, ron <> wrote:

|start "" /MIN "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD\tcmd.exe" does not work.

"Run minimized" in a shortcut doesn't work either.
On Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:16:20 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> Is this possible? I want it to load when I boot but don't want to have
|> to minimize it.
|---End Quote---
|Options / Configure Take Command / Windows / Startup Mode.

That would affect all instances. Can't the user start it minimized at will
(shortcut or command line)? Doesn't it respect WinMain's nCmdShow?
Options / Configure Take Command / Windows / Startup Mode.

Rex Conn
JP Software

Well, that does work but as vefatica points out, that affects every instance.

I really only want the instance I start on boot minimized. If for any reason I manually invoke TCMD, I don't want it minimized.

It's a nit, I know, because TCMD starts up pretty fast now.
From: ron
| Originally Posted by rconn
|| Options / Configure Take Command / Windows / Startup Mode.
| Well, that does work but as vefatica points out, that affects every
| instance.
| I really only want the instance I start on boot minimized. If for any
| reason I manually invoke TCMD, I don't want it minimized.
| It's a nit, I know, because TCMD starts up pretty fast now.

The solution is easy: use different .INI files for the start-maximized and the start-minimized modes! That's what I do, with a shortcut file (SHRALIAS.LNK) in the "%USERPROFILE\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" folder automatically executed when I log in, and multiple desktop shortcuts (.LNK files) for different versions of TCMD / TCC. All shortcut explicitly specify the .INI file to use via the /@ command line option; the automatic one executed at login also specifies alternate to TCSTART.BTM. It starts SHRALIAS.EXE first, and then loads the last saved values of aliases, history, etc., into the shared tables. Doing it in this order eliminates the need for DELAY mentioned in another very recent thread by Vince Fatica.
HTH, Steve
Options / Configure Take Command / Windows / Startup Mode.

My apologies. I didn't realize there were different startup settings for TCC and TCMD.

So, I changed my Options / Configure TCC / Windows to start minimized. This means anyone outside of TCMD such as scheduled tasks will run the TCC window minimized, and it works.

One thought. There is an initial flicker before the window is minimized. Presumably you send the minimize command (if specified in the setting) during the TCC load 'after' the window is initially displayed. Perhaps you could always start it minimized and 'restore' it if the setting is something other than minimized?
One thought. There is an initial flicker before the window is minimized.

This is not the case when calling TCC from an external app that I'm guessing applies its own control over the TCC window size. I use an old scheduler http://[URL="www.cypressnet.com/Products/Launchpd/download.htm"]www.cypressnet.com/Products/Launchpd/download.htm[/URL] to launch several TCC jobs, with the window either minimized or invisible, there is no flicker.
I don't get it. TCMD **can** start minimized, either by default, or with


on its command line. Why can't it honor the nCmdShow arg to WinMain, provided by a shortcut, by "START /MIN", or by any manner of starting an app?
On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 15:57:24 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|Works fine here (13.0.14).

What works fine? "//WindowState=Minimize" on TCMD's command line works. But if
TCMD is confugured to start normally, then neither a shortcut with "Run:
Minimized" nor "START /MIN d:\tc13\tcmd.exe" cause it to start minimized. I
don't think either of those ever worked. If that should work, what could be the
//WindowState=Minimize is not familiar to me. Is this documented somewhere?

Indeed that works with TCC.EXE v12.x. But the window still appears before it's minimized.
On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 18:41:47 -0400, ron <> wrote:

|//WindowState=Minimize is not familiar to me. Is this documented somewhere?

I don't think so. I found it by observing the effect of the config dialog
option on the INI file. Today, most INI directives are undocumented (they once
were documented) in an effort to discourage folks from editing the INI file
directly. I imagine that eases the support burden significantly.
I concur, each of those work. The first one is the one I needed to start TCMD minimized via Win7's Task Scheduler. Until this thread, I had never heard of nor imagined a command line parameter such as...


...thanks vefatica for bringing that up!
On Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:36:51 -0400, ron <> wrote:

|I concur, each of those work. The first one is *the *one I needed to start TCMD minimized via Win7's Task Scheduler. Until this thread, I had never heard of nor imagined a command line parameter such as...
|...thanks vefatica for bringing that up!

See the help page "Startup Options (Take Command)". Also see the help for the
OPTION command; that's where the unusual syntax (//directive=value) comes from.

As of a recent beta13 build, "START /MIN (path\)tcmd.exe" is also working. So
are shortcuts with "Run minimized" specified.
Now if Rex can just eliminate the flicker/distraction of the tcc window briefly appearing when Task Scheduler launches it. Should be doable as programs other than Task Scheduler are able to launch tcc in a minimized state - without it ever appearing anywhere other than the task bar.
> Now if Rex can just eliminate the flicker/distraction of the tcc window
> briefly appearing when Task Scheduler launches it. Should be doable
> as programs other than Task Scheduler are able to launch tcc in a
> minimized state.

TCC has no control over how it's launched. Nor does it have any control
over its window, which is created by the Windows console manager *before*
TCC is launched.