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Start-up directory for new tabs?

Can I configure the start-up directory for the initial default tab and for new tabs started via the "Tabs" menu or the "new tab" tab?
Yes - click on "Run" in the Tabs menu.
I don't want to do it every time. I want to specify once and for all time that tabs (the default and new ones) start in v:\ and not depend on TCMD start-up directory.

As it is, my tabs (default and new) behave one way if I start TCMD from a shortcut, another way if I start it with a 2-click in Explorer, and a variety of other ways if I start it from a command line
P.S. Setting the CWD in TCSTART would wreak havoc with any "TCC Here" mechanism and with any TCMD toolbar button that wanted TCC to start in a specific, non-default, place.
I don't want to do it every time. I want to specify once and for all time that tabs (the default and new ones) start in v:\ and not depend on TCMD start-up directory.

As it is, my tabs (default and new) behave one way if I start TCMD from a shortcut, another way if I start it with a 2-click in Explorer, and a variety of other ways if I start it from a command line

I'm surprised that you are starting Take Command so many different ways. I just start one instance (from a shortcut) when Windows starts, and it remains open until I shut the computer down. The shortcut's "Start in" directory, therefore, is the default for all the tabs I open.
It was pretty easy after all.
g:\tc17> grep -i comspec TCMD.INI
COMSPEC=g:\tc17\tcc.exe /q cdd v:\
My default and on-demand new tabs now all start in v:\, regardless of TCMD's CWD.