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starting tcmd with alternate INI file

Take Command 8.02.106 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
Take Command Build 106 Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 3
Registered to Charles S. Galloway - 5 System License

I would like to start TCMD with an alternate INI file and have read the CHM file and I am not doing something correctly.

INIfile = D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
TCMD.EXE = C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe

TCMD.EXE /@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
TCMD.EXE //@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
TCMD.EXE /D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini

all doesn't work for various reasons....

Thanks in advance
> I would like to start TCMD with an alternate INI file and have read the
> CHM file and I am not doing something correctly.
> INIfile = D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE = C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe
> TCMD.EXE /@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE //@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE /D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> all doesn't work for various reasons....

The second and third examples will definitely *not* work. The first should,
though you do not need the leading '/'.

It would be useful to know what the "various reasons" are when using the
first syntax.

Rex Conn
JP Software
| Take Command 8.02.106 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
| I would like to start TCMD with an alternate INI file and have read
| the CHM file and I am not doing something correctly.

My link file, listed below as analyzed by the SHORTCUT command, starts 4nt
8.02.106 as you desire:

Link=C:\Documents and Settings\ESF\Desktop\JP I08 acsF4.lnk

Note that this scheme works for either INIKEY or registry key version, as
long as the key file is properly generated and is stored in the same
directory as the interpreter. This brings up the issue: which version are
you using, is there a different path for the interpreter stored in the
registry, etc.
HTH, Steve
I have the shortcut as:
shortcut "Take Command 11.0.lnk"

ArgumentsDirectory=C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\
Description=Execute Take Command v11.0
Link=Take Command 11.0.lnk
and in TCMDv11:
[C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11]echo %_ININAME
C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Local Settings\Application Data\JPSoft\TCMD.INI

So it's not working....
----- Original Message -----
From: rconn
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 07:45 AM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

> I would like to start TCMD with an alternate INI file and have read the
> CHM file and I am not doing something correctly.
> INIfile = D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE = C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe
> TCMD.EXE /@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE //@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> TCMD.EXE /D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini
> all doesn't work for various reasons....

The second and third examples will definitely *not* work. The first should,
though you do not need the leading '/'.

It would be useful to know what the "various reasons" are when using the
first syntax.

Rex Conn
JP Software
| I have the shortcut as:
| shortcut "Take Command 11.0.lnk"
| Command=C:\PROGRA~1\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe
| ArgumentsDirectory=C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\
| Description=Execute Take Command v11.0
| Link=Take Command 11.0.lnk
| IconOffset=0
| Mode=1
| Hotkey

I assume that the actual report is:

ArgumentsDirectory=C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\
Description=Execute Take Command v11.0
Link=Take Command 11.0.lnk
(i.e., your copy and paste dropped trailing equal signs and the CR LF
characters following, and the Icon= line).

This is different from mine - it does not have any argument specifying the
.INI file to be used!

| and in TCMDv11:

| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11]echo %_ININAME
| C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Local Settings\Application

Yes, that's the default location and name of TCMD's .INI file. I think the
command below would install the shortcut you want in the specific desktop
directory you want it in:

*cdd "C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\desktop"
*cdd "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\desktop"

SHORTCUT "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe"
"@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini" "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\"
"Execute Take Command v11.0" "Take Command 11.0.lnk" 1 "C:\Program
Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" 0

HTH, Steve
Thanks Steve,

What I want to do is use the INI file on D: and any changes I make with OPTION and saved are written to the INI file on D:

hopefully so that _ININAME returns the one on D: - not the one in %LOCALAPPDATA%\JpSoft

I did SHORTCUT "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" "@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini" "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\" "Execute Take Command v11.0" "Take Command 11.0.lnk" 1 "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" 0

and then launched it..... OPTION didn't have entries for the LOGGNG FILES but that exist in the INI file.

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Fábián
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 06:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

| I have the shortcut as:
| shortcut "Take Command 11.0.lnk"
| Command=C:\PROGRA~1\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe
| ArgumentsDirectory=C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\
| Description=Execute Take Command v11.0
| Link=Take Command 11.0.lnk
| IconOffset=0
| Mode=1
| Hotkey

I assume that the actual report is:

ArgumentsDirectory=C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\
Description=Execute Take Command v11.0
Link=Take Command 11.0.lnk
(i.e., your copy and paste dropped trailing equal signs and the CR LF
characters following, and the Icon= line).

This is different from mine - it does not have any argument specifying the
.INI file to be used!

| and in TCMDv11:

| [C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11]echo %_ININAME
| C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Local Settings\Application

Yes, that's the default location and name of TCMD's .INI file. I think the
command below would install the shortcut you want in the specific desktop
directory you want it in:

*cdd "C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\desktop"
*cdd "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\desktop"

SHORTCUT "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe"
"@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini" "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\"
"Execute Take Command v11.0" "Take Command 11.0.lnk" 1 "C:\Program
Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" 0

HTH, Steve
I haven't followed this thread closely. What question remains? I copied
TCMD.INI to my desktop and removed everything from the [Buttons] section of the
copy. The following works (giving me a TCMD with no buttons) when entered in
the Start/Run dialog or as the target of a shortcut (also from a TCC command

d:\tc11\tcmd.exe @e:\users\vefatica\desktop\tcmd.ini
- Vince
I haven't followed this thread closely. What question remains? I copied
TCMD.INI to my desktop and removed everything from the [Buttons] section of the
copy. The following works (giving me a TCMD with no buttons) when entered in
the Start/Run dialog or as the target of a shortcut (also from a TCC command

d:\tc11\tcmd.exe @e:\users\vefatica\desktop\tcmd.ini
- Vince

But, as seems to be happening elsewhere, though the "@..." inifile argument is in the LNKfile (and works), neither the shortcut's properties nor TCC's SHORTCUT command show it as an argument. What's up with that?
On Fri, 07 May 2010 20:46:05 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|> But, as seems to be happening elsewhere, though the "@..." inifile
|> argument is in the LNKfile (and works), neither the shortcut's
|> properties nor TCC's SHORTCUT command show it as an argument. What's
|> up with that?
|---End Quote---
|That's a Windows "feature".

Seeing that you can't get such an arg **OUT** with SHORTCUT, can you get such an
arg **IN** with SHORTCUT?
- Vince
| What I want to do is use the INI file on D: and any changes I make
| with OPTION and saved are written to the INI file on D:
| hopefully so that _ININAME returns the one on D: - not the one in
| I did SHORTCUT "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe"
| "@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini" "C:\Program
| Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\" "Execute Take Command v11.0" "Take Command
| 11.0.lnk" 1 "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" 0
| and then launched it..... OPTION didn't have entries for the LOGGNG
| FILES but that exist in the INI file.

That's probably because it was a new file. What you may want to do is to
copy the "old" .INI file "C:\Documents and Settings\Charles\Local
Settings\Application Data\JPSoft\TCMD.INI" to the new one, start TCMD, and
then use OPTION.
As Rex pointed out in this thread, the advice I gave you for the form of
the SHORTCUT command was not the best. I had not realized (or just forgot)
why my own shortcut files have the slash "/" before the at sign "@" in the
2nd parameter of the SHORTCUT command. The / is needed for so that when
Windows analyzes the shortcut file (right click the file icon, click on
properties) or when TCC analyzes it with the SHORTCUT command, the
"Arguments" returned would include be .INI file specification. The improved
command is below (the / is the only difference):

SHORTCUT "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe"
"/@D:\TakeCommand\INIs\TCMD_v11.ini" "C:\Program
Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\" "Execute Take Command v11.0" "Take Command
11.0.lnk" 1 "C:\Program Files\JPSoft\TCMD11\tcmd.exe" 0

Rebuild your shortcut file, and copy the old .INI file to the new
location, I think you will be happy.
HTH, Steve
From my understanding it's a problem dealing with specifing the "@" in he Argument field in the LNK file.
----- Original Message -----
From: vefatica
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 08:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

I haven't followed this thread closely. What question remains? I copied
TCMD.INI to my desktop and removed everything from the [Buttons] section of the
copy. The following works (giving me a TCMD with no buttons) when entered in
the Start/Run dialog or as the target of a shortcut (also from a TCC command

d:\tc11\tcmd.exe @e:\users\vefatica\desktop\tcmd.ini
- Vince
PS. Why would you need the @ sign anyway -

Rex - is TCMD just wanting the name of the INI file and not send the contents?
----- Original Message -----
From: vefatica
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 08:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

I haven't followed this thread closely. What question remains? I copied
TCMD.INI to my desktop and removed everything from the [Buttons] section of the
copy. The following works (giving me a TCMD with no buttons) when entered in
the Start/Run dialog or as the target of a shortcut (also from a TCC command

d:\tc11\tcmd.exe @e:\users\vefatica\desktop\tcmd.ini
- Vince

Using that syntax - what does echo %_ININAME return? Does it return


or %LocalAppData%\whatever.....
----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2010 04:22 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

From my understanding it's a problem dealing with specifing the "@" in he Argument field in the LNK file.
----- Original Message -----
From: vefatica
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 08:21 PM
Subject: RE: [Support-t-1947] starting tcmd with alternate INI file

I haven't followed this thread closely. What question remains? I copied
TCMD.INI to my desktop and removed everything from the [Buttons] section of the
copy. The following works (giving me a TCMD with no buttons) when entered in
the Start/Run dialog or as the target of a shortcut (also from a TCC command

d:\tc11\tcmd.exe @e:\users\vefatica\desktop\tcmd.ini
- Vince