- Jul
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It has been a little over 1 hour since I downloaded the demo version.
I was disappointed to find that I am debugging your program instead of my batch file.
Feature #1 - Watch panel shows wrong content of batch variables
See screen shot "Watch list corruption.jpg"
This shows the batch file has just stepped into a "For /F" command while the Watch panel shows the variable "file" as having the content of the 1st iteration of the "For /F" command PLUS some extra characters. Below the Watch panel I have pasted the Environments Variables panel which shows the "file" variable actually has "casrdr80.bas" as its content. Also this panel shows the variables created by the "For /F" command. The variable "f" has the content shown in the Watch panel.
It appears the Watch panel has mis-interpreted the "file" variable as "f", and put in the content of the "f" variable in front of the remnant of name of the variable "ile"
This is compounded by the Watch window not being updated when the "file" variable has it's content changed.
See screen shot "Watch list corruption2.jpg"
This shows the source batch file running in "single step" mode having just used the content of the "f" variable as comma separated input parameters and each parameter put into separate variables. The Debugger console window shows that the "file" variable has had "diskio.bas" assigned to it, but the Watch window does not show any change.
Feature #2 The Debugger doesn't like having the batch file in progress being stopped with the "Stop" button on the tool bar.
See screen shot "Debugger_error - batch (null).jpg"
When the "Stop" button is pressed, the TCC screen shows a continuous stream of "TCC: Unknown Command "(null)" until I change to that screen and press [Ctrl][C].
When I restart the run by pressing the "Start" button, Take Command then shows an error about an invalid label.
See screen shot "Restart Error.jpg"
The label name that it is complaining about is the same as the 1st of the comma separated values passed from the "For /F" command.
After I clear this error message by pressing the [OK] button, the TCC screen shows the same message prefixed with the batch file name and a number "[98]" that is probably the last line + 1 (the batch file has only 97 lines)
See screen shot "Restart Error - Debugger screen.jpg"
When I press the "start" button a 2nd time, the batch file runs OK.
Here is the batch file I am using :-
set drv=%~d0 &set pth=%~p0
%drv% &cd "%pth%" &cls & echo on
set /A dup_grps=0
if not exist dups_list.csv echo File Name,Path,Size,Modified,File Type,MD5,Group,Hard Links > dups_list.csv
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=1" %%l in ('type All_TRS80.lst') do call :chk_dup %%l
goto :eof
:chk_dup %%l
set md5=%~6
if "%md5%"=="" goto :eof
set /A dups=0
if %2=="casrdr80.bas" pause
find ",""%md5%""," "All_TRS80.lst" > dups.chk
find /c ",""%md5%""," dups.chk > dups.cnt
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%m in ('type dups.cnt') do set /A dups=%%m
if %dups% LSS 2 goto :eof
set /a dups=0
find /c ",""%md5%""," dups_list.csv > dup_done.chk
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%d in ('type dup_done.chk') do set /a dups=%%d
if %dups% NEQ 0 goto :eof
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=2 " %%f in ('type dups.chk') do call :count_dups %%f
if %dups% GTR 1 (
set /A dup_grps+=1
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=2" %%f in ('type dups.chk') do call :writ_dup %%f
goto :eof
set fpth=%~dp1 &set file=%2 &set fsize=%3 &set dattim=%4 %5 &set md5=%~6 &set errs=%7
echo %file%,"%fpth%","%fsize%","%dattim%","%md5%","%dup_grps%","" >> dups_list.csv
goto :eof
:count_dups %%f
set file=%~2
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(d)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(x)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(j)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(u)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(b)" set /a dups+=1
goto :eof
and sample data to test with - put into file named All_TRS80.lst
"\TRS32\clcplus1.bas","clcplus1.bas",4424,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"8afb5d99829c66c5dfbf6a81d54d8830",""
"\TRS32\CLONE2D","CLONE2D",1563,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"1ca3aa3d1c8b18b790a1cd4b57283b19",""
"\TRS32\cmd2cas.exe","cmd2cas.exe",19970,2005-03-02 12:34:16,"630902be4f3a61350908fdadf04af97e",""
"\TRS32\cmd2cas.txt","cmd2cas.txt",685,2005-01-21 12:40:20,"380da504f12f939a836c8eefe4ccce11",""
"\TRS32\cmdfil5a.cmd","cmdfil5a.cmd",2844,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"35e9431f9e2b13ce742845080ec88e04",""
"\TRS32\Create1.bas edit screen.BMP","Create1.bas edit screen.BMP",55358,2017-07-12 19:13:28,"81eabb3f2591d9088bfe2a3c70a92176",""
"\TRS32\cresta2.hrc.WAV","cresta2.hrc.WAV",46,2017-07-12 01:51:35,"51114b37cd494fb0f84788f346e5d008",""
"\TRS32\D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.DSK","D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:18:27,"decea4e59b9870ffc8f53e3ccdd1a3b7",""
"\TRS32\D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.hfe","D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:50:59,"93919a0c3c02791dc854236a12b7009a",""
"\TRS32\D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.DSK","D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:19:09,"7074b8a3da8001ebfa19edda7c78dbbc",""
"\TRS32\D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.hfe","D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:51:25,"11164af41c36b3b90edd72a708e538a1",""
"\TRS32\D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.DSK","D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:18:27,"decea4e59b9870ffc8f53e3ccdd1a3b7",""
"\TRS32\D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.hfe","D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:51:42,"0a89b0de12341bc2e2f4c847faccad65",""
"\TRS32\D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.DSK","D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:20:19,"5599860bb99819a5121e98b6e8aa27ba",""
"\TRS32\D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.hfe","D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:52:00,"f62facbd5675ed3af31173dd41a56dce",""
"\TRS32\D074DD80 FRED Music.DSK","D074DD80 FRED Music.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:21:14,"a32fce0408a1a5010bfbe35f4e2d1e15",""
"\TRS32\D074DD80 FRED Music.hfe","D074DD80 FRED Music.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:52:16,"997b6762d36393ab3c067a0646ab7f8b",""
"\TRS32\dataio.esf","dataio.esf",10812,2009-07-09 09:56:38,"f33f8f86f3d8be49b1e6dfd56fac1ae6",""
"\TRS32\DataScope - cassread.bas","DataScope - cassread.bas",6699,1982-10-07 13:00:00,"2e6989b68f9a4d6ddf2a8393f6ef7bf6",""
"\TRS32\DataScope - cassread.src","DataScope - cassread.src",4608,1982-10-07 13:00:00,"37a460118966d75900445e49db27bd15",""
"\TRS32\DataScope CMD 16K.WAV","DataScope CMD 16K.WAV",485146,2014-12-30 03:37:28,"83c619693c5011406aa602e6cc70ff91",""
"\TRS32\DataScope CMD 48K.cas","DataScope CMD 48K.cas",527,2014-12-30 03:32:09,"e21b421c21bd913a6b94cf66b4d8b517",""
"\TRS32\datascope.SNP","datascope.SNP",66356,2014-12-29 21:26:32,"e4dd22272defbbc9703d6a59b60b3b14",""
"\TRS32\datascope16K.SNP","datascope16K.SNP",66397,2014-12-30 03:44:47,"289675167bb73ee9596de72ec21f91e5",""
"\TRS32\DD.CMD","DD.CMD",1914,1997-08-16 04:04:36,"a4b1def8e20539033591716d21825b9a",""
"\TRS32\dddpls14.cmd","dddpls14.cmd",5209,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"1037d57ad884b13aac3f25ef7f966f88",""
"\TRS32\DDFORM.CMD","DDFORM.CMD",2560,1997-08-16 04:04:34,"b46b31843891b25c4f345772447c1add",""
I was disappointed to find that I am debugging your program instead of my batch file.
Feature #1 - Watch panel shows wrong content of batch variables
See screen shot "Watch list corruption.jpg"
This shows the batch file has just stepped into a "For /F" command while the Watch panel shows the variable "file" as having the content of the 1st iteration of the "For /F" command PLUS some extra characters. Below the Watch panel I have pasted the Environments Variables panel which shows the "file" variable actually has "casrdr80.bas" as its content. Also this panel shows the variables created by the "For /F" command. The variable "f" has the content shown in the Watch panel.
It appears the Watch panel has mis-interpreted the "file" variable as "f", and put in the content of the "f" variable in front of the remnant of name of the variable "ile"
This is compounded by the Watch window not being updated when the "file" variable has it's content changed.
See screen shot "Watch list corruption2.jpg"
This shows the source batch file running in "single step" mode having just used the content of the "f" variable as comma separated input parameters and each parameter put into separate variables. The Debugger console window shows that the "file" variable has had "diskio.bas" assigned to it, but the Watch window does not show any change.
Feature #2 The Debugger doesn't like having the batch file in progress being stopped with the "Stop" button on the tool bar.
See screen shot "Debugger_error - batch (null).jpg"
When the "Stop" button is pressed, the TCC screen shows a continuous stream of "TCC: Unknown Command "(null)" until I change to that screen and press [Ctrl][C].
When I restart the run by pressing the "Start" button, Take Command then shows an error about an invalid label.
See screen shot "Restart Error.jpg"
The label name that it is complaining about is the same as the 1st of the comma separated values passed from the "For /F" command.
After I clear this error message by pressing the [OK] button, the TCC screen shows the same message prefixed with the batch file name and a number "[98]" that is probably the last line + 1 (the batch file has only 97 lines)
See screen shot "Restart Error - Debugger screen.jpg"
When I press the "start" button a 2nd time, the batch file runs OK.
Here is the batch file I am using :-
set drv=%~d0 &set pth=%~p0
%drv% &cd "%pth%" &cls & echo on
set /A dup_grps=0
if not exist dups_list.csv echo File Name,Path,Size,Modified,File Type,MD5,Group,Hard Links > dups_list.csv
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=1" %%l in ('type All_TRS80.lst') do call :chk_dup %%l
goto :eof
:chk_dup %%l
set md5=%~6
if "%md5%"=="" goto :eof
set /A dups=0
if %2=="casrdr80.bas" pause
find ",""%md5%""," "All_TRS80.lst" > dups.chk
find /c ",""%md5%""," dups.chk > dups.cnt
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%m in ('type dups.cnt') do set /A dups=%%m
if %dups% LSS 2 goto :eof
set /a dups=0
find /c ",""%md5%""," dups_list.csv > dup_done.chk
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%d in ('type dup_done.chk') do set /a dups=%%d
if %dups% NEQ 0 goto :eof
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=2 " %%f in ('type dups.chk') do call :count_dups %%f
if %dups% GTR 1 (
set /A dup_grps+=1
for /f "tokens=* delims=? skip=2" %%f in ('type dups.chk') do call :writ_dup %%f
goto :eof
set fpth=%~dp1 &set file=%2 &set fsize=%3 &set dattim=%4 %5 &set md5=%~6 &set errs=%7
echo %file%,"%fpth%","%fsize%","%dattim%","%md5%","%dup_grps%","" >> dups_list.csv
goto :eof
:count_dups %%f
set file=%~2
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(d)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(x)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(j)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(u)" (
if not "%file:~0,3%"=="(b)" set /a dups+=1
goto :eof
and sample data to test with - put into file named All_TRS80.lst
"\TRS32\clcplus1.bas","clcplus1.bas",4424,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"8afb5d99829c66c5dfbf6a81d54d8830",""
"\TRS32\CLONE2D","CLONE2D",1563,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"1ca3aa3d1c8b18b790a1cd4b57283b19",""
"\TRS32\cmd2cas.exe","cmd2cas.exe",19970,2005-03-02 12:34:16,"630902be4f3a61350908fdadf04af97e",""
"\TRS32\cmd2cas.txt","cmd2cas.txt",685,2005-01-21 12:40:20,"380da504f12f939a836c8eefe4ccce11",""
"\TRS32\cmdfil5a.cmd","cmdfil5a.cmd",2844,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"35e9431f9e2b13ce742845080ec88e04",""
"\TRS32\Create1.bas edit screen.BMP","Create1.bas edit screen.BMP",55358,2017-07-12 19:13:28,"81eabb3f2591d9088bfe2a3c70a92176",""
"\TRS32\cresta2.hrc.WAV","cresta2.hrc.WAV",46,2017-07-12 01:51:35,"51114b37cd494fb0f84788f346e5d008",""
"\TRS32\D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.DSK","D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:18:27,"decea4e59b9870ffc8f53e3ccdd1a3b7",""
"\TRS32\D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.hfe","D012DD80 PCG-80 Display.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:50:59,"93919a0c3c02791dc854236a12b7009a",""
"\TRS32\D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.DSK","D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:19:09,"7074b8a3da8001ebfa19edda7c78dbbc",""
"\TRS32\D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.hfe","D029DD80 Lowes HiRes.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:51:25,"11164af41c36b3b90edd72a708e538a1",""
"\TRS32\D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.DSK","D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:18:27,"decea4e59b9870ffc8f53e3ccdd1a3b7",""
"\TRS32\D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.hfe","D067DD80 PCG-80 Graphics.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:51:42,"0a89b0de12341bc2e2f4c847faccad65",""
"\TRS32\D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.DSK","D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:20:19,"5599860bb99819a5121e98b6e8aa27ba",""
"\TRS32\D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.hfe","D068DD80 PCG-80 Games.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:52:00,"f62facbd5675ed3af31173dd41a56dce",""
"\TRS32\D074DD80 FRED Music.DSK","D074DD80 FRED Music.DSK",1024016,2016-01-23 23:21:14,"a32fce0408a1a5010bfbe35f4e2d1e15",""
"\TRS32\D074DD80 FRED Music.hfe","D074DD80 FRED Music.hfe",2008064,2016-01-24 04:52:16,"997b6762d36393ab3c067a0646ab7f8b",""
"\TRS32\dataio.esf","dataio.esf",10812,2009-07-09 09:56:38,"f33f8f86f3d8be49b1e6dfd56fac1ae6",""
"\TRS32\DataScope - cassread.bas","DataScope - cassread.bas",6699,1982-10-07 13:00:00,"2e6989b68f9a4d6ddf2a8393f6ef7bf6",""
"\TRS32\DataScope - cassread.src","DataScope - cassread.src",4608,1982-10-07 13:00:00,"37a460118966d75900445e49db27bd15",""
"\TRS32\DataScope CMD 16K.WAV","DataScope CMD 16K.WAV",485146,2014-12-30 03:37:28,"83c619693c5011406aa602e6cc70ff91",""
"\TRS32\DataScope CMD 48K.cas","DataScope CMD 48K.cas",527,2014-12-30 03:32:09,"e21b421c21bd913a6b94cf66b4d8b517",""
"\TRS32\datascope.SNP","datascope.SNP",66356,2014-12-29 21:26:32,"e4dd22272defbbc9703d6a59b60b3b14",""
"\TRS32\datascope16K.SNP","datascope16K.SNP",66397,2014-12-30 03:44:47,"289675167bb73ee9596de72ec21f91e5",""
"\TRS32\DD.CMD","DD.CMD",1914,1997-08-16 04:04:36,"a4b1def8e20539033591716d21825b9a",""
"\TRS32\dddpls14.cmd","dddpls14.cmd",5209,1996-12-24 12:32:00,"1037d57ad884b13aac3f25ef7f966f88",""
"\TRS32\DDFORM.CMD","DDFORM.CMD",2560,1997-08-16 04:04:34,"b46b31843891b25c4f345772447c1add",""