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Suggestion for SafeChars plugin


Would you consider adding these two functions?

@SAFECHECK[var] returns 1 if there are any characters in the translated range within the expansion of %var%, else 0.

@UNSAFECHECK[var] returns 1 if there are any characters which WOULD BE translated to safe characters (by @SAFEENV[var], according to the current translation map) within the expansion of %var%, else 0.
Actually a single function with 4 different values would be sufficient:
0 if all characters are inherently safe;
add 1 if untranslated unsafe characters are present;
add 2 if translated unsafe characters are present.

Value 1 would mean at least one unsafe character is present, and no unsafe character is translated.
Value 2 would mean at least one unsafe character is present, and all unsafe characters are translated.
Value 3 would mean at least two unsafe characters are present, and least one not translated, and at least one that is translated.
Or as separate functions which provide counts?
Any of the above would be nice, Charles.

But Steve, the presence of, let's say, an %_amp doesn't mean that it was translated from an unsafe ampersand, so I would reword your description with
Value 2 would mean that at least one character from the translated safe range 0xFF00-0xFF3E (is that right?) is present.
Value 3 would mean that there is at least one unsafe character present and at least one from the translated safe range (no matter how it got there).
And -- just checking -- you want to pass the name of a variable or expression to be evaluated, a la @SAFEEXP, rather than just a string?
And -- just checking -- you want to pass the name of a variable or expression to be evaluated, a la @SAFEEXP, rather than just a string?
Yes, exactly. I was thinking of a single variable as in @SAFEENV, but an expression as in @SAFEEXP would be even more useful. (A version that would take an actual string wouldn't hurt, of course.)
I've uploaded a new build. I haven't done much testing of the new functions, so let me know whether they work as you think they should.
I've uploaded a new build. I haven't done much testing of the new functions, so let me know whether they work as you think they should.
Wow. The descriptions indicate exactly what I think is needed (for my usage), and they look general enough to satisfy any need. I'll be testing shortly.

Tested (in my one usage, so far). Perfect.


> echo %@countsafe["&X%_amp"]
> echo %@countunsafe["&X%_amp"]
> echo %@len["&X%_amp"]

Thanks, Charles.