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Take Command 13.01.34 Uploaded


Staff member
I've uploaded 13.01.34 to the web and ftp sites.

Build 13.01.34
Fixed a (longstanding but erratic) bug when doing tab completion on a short name with a leading \. (TCC only, not TCC/LE).

Build 13.01.33
Internal changes to work around a couple of problems with very long filenames (> 260 characters), with a Windows API bug and when the user doesn't specify a leading "\\?\".

Help file updates.

Build 13.01.32
There is a new version of the framework for Take Command and the IDE.

There is a new TCMD.INI directive (which goes in the [4NT] section):
CMDBatchDelimiters=YES|no - if set to "no", TCC will not treat an = as a batch argument delimiter. (Note: this will break CMD compatibility!). This is only for users with (very) old 4NT scripts; it is strongly discouraged for new installations.

MKLINK - Fixed an erratic return value (not always 0 for success).

MKLINK - Fixed an occasional crash when using /X with one argument.

UNTAR - Fixed a problem with the /D (recreate directory) option in the command dialog.

UNZIP - Fixed a problem with the /D (recreate directory) option in the command dialog.
Help file updates.

Build 13.01.31
Fixed a problem accessing @BALLOC.

Help file updates.

Build 13.01.30
Fixed a problem when querying the web help about variable functions.

@PING - Fixed a problem with the timeout parameter.

Build 13.01.29
Take Command/LE has been discontinued. Everyone with a Take Command/LE 13.0 license will receive a free update to the full Take Command version.

The search algorithm for the popup windows has changed slightly. TCC will append a * to the search string unless the last character of the string is a wildcard (?, *, or ]), or if the search string is a regular expression (the first two characters of the string are ::).

WebHelp=yes|NO - New TCMD.INI directive (set in the Take Command and the TCC configuration dialogs). If set, Take Command and TCC will use the web help at Take Command / TCC Help v. 13.01 instead of the local help. The web help has some additional features, including the ability to add comments to help topics.

MKLINK - The /X option no longer requires two arguments.

The help file (tcmd.chm) has some new display options.

Help file updates.

Build 13.0.28
VIEW (and V Toolbar VIEW) - Fixed a problem with the /S: (search) command line option not highlighting the text.

Help file updates.

Build 13.0.27
TCMD - Fixed a problem with not stripping the leading Unicode BOM when loading a file to the Command Input window.

TAR - Fixed a problem with multiple files and /G.

Help file updates.

Build 13.0.26
VIEW - Fixed a problem with multiple filenames.
Just a note on why FTP is preferred (vs. "option -> update"). Soon I will have slower (still wideband) internet access, with a substantial slowdown when my total download for the billing month reaches a threshold. Using FTP I need to download new builds only once for all systems (5-system license), and use LAN to install on other systems. Cf. "autoupdate" - it requires downloading the same files more than once, unnecessarily increasing my download volume.
Try instead:
alias jpc=*iftp ftp://ftp.jpsoft.com/

Thanks, Charles, that worked! But my original one (ftp://jpsoft.com/) has worked for many years, and the same style works for all other FTP sites I deal with. So why has it stopped working at jpsoft.com?
Something to do with his cloud provider, I think -- I don't know (and probably wouldn't understand) the details.
Something to do with his cloud provider, I think -- I don't know (and probably wouldn't understand) the details.

Don't underestimate yourself - if you were interested, you could find out as well as understand the details, but what is "cloud provider"? Do you mean "site host"?
Of course, you can always download the latest version from the website download page.
My practice has been to download all files at the FTP site newer than the previous download. It's just a single COPY command in TCC: "copy /s /[dxxx] ftp:". I can do this without waiting for a "new build" announcement without worrying about duplicate downloads, only what is actually new, thus not wasting my "free" downloads.
command timeout on the alias JPC:
jpc is an alias : *iftp ftp://jpsoft.com/

As Charles said, it's an invalid address; use "ftp://ftp.jpsoft.com".

It's always been an invalid address; however in the past "ftp://jpsoft.com" was aliased to ftp://ftp.jpsoft.com. It hasn't been aliased for the past two weeks (and never will be again), because it can't be passed through the CloudFlare proxy server.
As Charles said, it's an invalid address; use "ftp://ftp.jpsoft.com".

It's always been an invalid address; however in the past "ftp://jpsoft.com" was aliased to ftp://ftp.jpsoft.com. It hasn't been aliased for the past two weeks (and never will be again), because it can't be passed through the CloudFlare proxy server.

OK, I changed my alias, and now it works, and probably would not change it back if your server would again accept the shortened form. But it seems your FTP server is the only one where this shorthand is not permitted. All others I deal with accept the short form, just as all HTTP servers I connected to in recent years, INCLUDING "jpsoft.com", allow dropping the prefix. In fact, when I just now entered the full string in a new tab in Firefox 8.0, it actually shortened it to just "jpsoft.com"...

In any case, all is well here, as long as the FTP server remains in operation.
In fact, when I just now entered the full string in a new tab in Firefox 8.0, it actually shortened it to just "jpsoft.com"...

Firefox 8 displays the URL without the leading triple-wibble, but I think it must retain and use it internally. You'll notice that the protocol also seems to disappear; I think they're doing a lot of dumbing down. Perhaps to make spoofing sites more obvious — now the domain name is always up front and highlighted.
Firefox 8 displays the URL without the leading triple-wibble, but I think it must retain and use it internally. You'll notice that the protocol also seems to disappear; I think they're doing a lot of dumbing down. Perhaps to make spoofing sites more obvious — now the domain name is always up front and highlighted.
Protocol does not disappear if it is https, so yes, I think it is Firefox that makes that play. But I wonder in what country this site is hosted - I use "Flagfox" to display the country's flag; the "Feedback" forum shows the US flag, but the one shown above is not in any display of country flags...
OK, I changed my alias, and now it works, and probably would not change it back if your server would again accept the shortened form. But it seems your FTP server is the only one where this shorthand is not permitted.

It won't work on any proxied site. That's only a few million today, but in a year or two I think it will be the majority of sites.