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Take Command / TCMD/LE / TCC/LE 11.0 build 40 uploaded


Staff member
I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.

Build 40:
@CRC32, @MD5 - fixed a crash if you specified 'f' or 's' and didn't include
the required argument. (Note that both these functions are seriously obsolete; you should be using the SHA functions!)

SENDMAIL - fix for a third-party dll bug that broke multiple /H arguments.

TYPE / HEAD / TAIL - added a check for redirecting Unicode input through CON:.

Minor help file updates.

Build 39:
Fix for a bad third-party dll (ipworksssh8.dll).

Build 38:
BDEBUGGER / IDE - fixed a problem with file access violations when restarting debugging a .BAT or .CMD file.

Minor help updates.

Build 37:
BDEBUGGER - fixed a new framework problem with not saving & restoring the font size at startup.

BDEBUGGER - now remembers the MRU file list between sessions.

BDEBUGGER - fixed the help button in the Watch pane toolbar.

MKDIR - fixed a problem with creating directories as compressed when starting TCC with the (usually unnecessary) /X option.

TCC/LE - added check for potential parsing problems when the user attempts to use (unsupported) internet URL names, and fails to quote them.

Build 35:
TCMD - updated the framework library to fix some obscure Windows 7 display problems.

TCMD - fixed a display problem when selecting Refresh with the Folders view set to AutoHide.

TCMD - fixed a (sporadic) problem when selecting the "Configure TCC" menu entry when the TCMD.INI file has errors.

TCMD - fixed a problem when renaming a toolbar tab (it would lose its buttons until you saved & reloaded it).

TCC - will now set the output color at startup. (Note that this will not
change the default background color for the entire window, just for the
text being written.)

TCC - fixed a (very old) problem with doing a ">clip:" to empty the clipboard pseudo-device and then trying to append ("dir >> clip:).

FFIND - added the /H option to not search binary files. By default, this
includes .exe, .sys, .dll, .zip, and .chm. You can define your own list
by setting the "BINARY_FILES" environment variable. For example, to ignore .exe, .sys, and .dll files:

LIST - will now automatically resize itself when you change the TCC or
TCMD window size.

LIST - disabled the /C option when running in a TCMD tab window.

TASKLIST /L - fixed a Windows bug in x64.

%_PPID - fixed a Windows bug in x64.

Minor help file updates.
I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.

Build 40:
TYPE / HEAD / TAIL - added a check for redirecting Unicode input through CON:.

TYPE hack now works as expected; thank you!
Take Command / TCMD/LE / TCC/LE 11.0 build 40 uploaded

> I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.
> Build 40:
> ---------
> @CRC32, @MD5 - fixed a crash if you specified 'f' or 's' and didn't include
> the required argument. (Note that both these functions are seriously
> obsolete; you should be using the SHA functions!)

I thought I read that you said you were going to generate an error (or even
show -1) if given only 'f' or 's', but my testing does not seem to show

TCC 11.00.40 Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

D:\>echo %@md5[f]

D:\>echo %@md5

D:\>echo %@crc32[f]

D:\>echo %@crc32

As to the obsoleteness of the CRC32 and MD5 functions: so far as I know, my
zip programs only show the CRC32 and various websites still show the MD5,
and to verify similarity, that is all I have to go on. Just in case you
considered dropping support, please don't, because I use your tool for
verification with sites and files over which I have no control.

Thanks again for the quick fixes.

Jim Cook
2010 Sundays: 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 and 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7.
Next year they're Monday.
Take Command / TCMD/LE / TCC/LE 11.0 build 40 uploaded

Rex Conn wrote:
|@CRC32, @MD5 ...(Note that both these functions are
| seriously obsolete; you should be using the SHA functions!)

Jim Cook wrote:
| As to the obsoleteness of the CRC32 and MD5 functions: so far as I
| know, my zip programs only show the CRC32 and various websites still
| show the MD5, and to verify similarity, that is all I have to go on.
| Just in case you considered dropping support, please don't, because
| I use your tool for verification with sites and files over which I
| have no control.

Furthermore, PDIR directly supports the CRC32 and MD5 hashcodes, but none of
the recommended SHA functions. In fact, PDIR can already be used as an
alternate for @CRC32 or @MD5:

function CRC32F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(r) %1)]`
function MD5F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(m) %1)]`

I join the request that CRC32 and MD5 support be retained!
I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.

Build 40:
SENDMAIL - fix for a third-party dll bug that broke multiple /H arguments.


The SENDMAIL problem is indeed fixed. Thank you, Rex, for the quick response and fix.

Dave C.
Take Command / TCMD/LE / TCC/LE 11.0 build 40 uploaded

> Furthermore, PDIR directly supports the CRC32 and MD5 hashcodes, but
> none of
> the recommended SHA functions. In fact, PDIR can already be used as an
> alternate for @CRC32 or @MD5:
> function CRC32F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(r) %1)]`
> function MD5F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(m) %1)]`

It could, but it wouldn't make sense -- PDIR converts that to a call to
@CRC32 / @MD5, so you're going through several more levels of indirection to
accomplish the same thing.
I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.

LIST - disabled the /C option when running in a TCMD tab window.

Why was this option disabled?

I currently use it with 10,00,67 (always in a TCMD tab window) without any problems.

If it is not used then the tab's old contents will be "destroyed" after LIST. Is this no longer the case in the newest version?
Take Command / TCMD/LE / TCC/LE 11.0 build 40 uploaded

| ---Quote---
|| In fact, PDIR can already be used as
|| an alternate for @CRC32 or @MD5:
|| function CRC32F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(r) %1)]`
|| function MD5F=`%@execstr[(pdir/(m) %1)]`
| ---End Quote---
| It could, but it wouldn't make sense -- PDIR converts that to a call
| to @CRC32 / @MD5, so you're going through several more levels of
| indirection to accomplish the same thing.

Indeed, I would expect PDIR internally to utilize the same routines as those
used by the variable functions. I suggested them in case you do discontinue
the variable functions, but retain the routines in PDIR. I never used the
convoluted approach. However, PDIR accesses the hash calculators at a lower
level than the variable functions, as shown by the fact that it processes
files named F and S without a hitch in all 4nt/tcc versions (which include
> ---Quote (Originally by rconn)---
> I've uploaded build 40 to the web and ftp sites.
> LIST - disabled the /C option when running in a TCMD tab window.
> ---End Quote---
> Why was this option disabled?
> I currently use it with 10,00,67 (always in a TCMD tab window) without
> any problems.

There are fundamental Windows issues that cannot be worked around (without
new Windows APIs). It definitely will *not* work for you in all cases,
particularly when switching between tab windows.